"Let’s see if you have this ability, Natsuki Inoue!"

A smile appeared on Aomine's face, and he moved and rushed towards Natsuki Inoue's side impatiently!

"It's not that easy to break through my defense!"


"Of course I know!"

It must not be that easy.



Aomine, who had already rushed to the left of Inoue Natsuki and was dealing with his opponent in the breakthrough gap, suddenly braked suddenly and knocked the ball between Inoue Natsuki's legs. Passed through.

Immediately afterwards, Aomine's movement was like a quick and agile leopard, quickly catching the ball with his backhand, using a crotch-piercing disguise to create a super close range!

Inoue Natsuki's steps were stopped, and he was hit by this sudden blow. The attack was unable to keep up with Aomine's pace, and he was caught off guard, and his defense was broken!

However, Inoue still did not give up on defense, and continued to chase, his expression did not change at all, and his whole person was extremely calm.

However, he was about to face Aomine's other Uesaki!

The team members couldn't help but panic a little under the fierce momentum in front of them, because the opponent's speed was really fast!

Even faster than the 'super genius' Natsuki Inoue that they all knew!

In training, they had become somewhat accustomed to Inoue Natsuki's speed, but compared with Teiko No.

9's Aomine Daiki, when 020 encountered such a superior attack, the chill suddenly hit at this moment.

In fact, they didn't expect that their ace would be defeated so easily...

not even from the same first grader...

Aomine Daiki this year.

After joining the team, after nearly three months of hard training, Inoue Natsuki's strength has improved significantly compared to when he first met.

Normally, being a senior would be a bit embarrassing, but with last year's performance.

The first-year Teiko twins Zhuyu are in front.

This year, the first-year Natsuki Inoue is their biggest confidence in participating in the National High School.

Thinking about it this time, it seems that it doesn't matter, and this confidence all comes from Inoue Natsuki.

After training hard before passing the exam, he easily defeated all the main third-year players and won the trust of all Uesaki senior players with his ability to defeat the top players.

This was a visible strength that he brought to Uesaki Middle School.


In fact, it was exactly as expected.

Before entering the round-robin finals, and even facing other opponents in the round-robin finals, Uesaki Middle School won continuously under the leadership of Inoue Natsuki.

In the middle school, the players of Uesaki Middle School also imagined that maybe they could defeat Teiko, then win the No.

1 seed, and then...

go to the whole country to surprise everyone.

But the reality they saw in the middle school...

It's probably no problem to travel across the country, but this year Teikou's strength is outrageous, far beyond the imagination of all Uesaki players.

The 'Teiko Twins' haven't made a move yet, one is off the court, and the other is clearly in the position.

Playing center and only guarding the basket...

But even so, when Teiko came up, there was still a gap in strength.

There were beads of sweat on the forehead of power forward Uesaki.

But no matter what!

What a monster newcomer!

He will never let his opponent run wild in the penalty area guarded by him and Katayama!

"Teiko's first-year brat!"

"Do not make jokes!"

"Do you think you are Shigure Akito?!"

Uesaki power forward roared as if to encourage himself, but it did not stop Aomine's surprise attack even for a moment. On the other side, Uesaki center Katayama, who was being restrained by Shigure Akito, saw Inoue Natsumi. After signaling with Shu's eyes, he suddenly supported Shigure Qiuto with one hand, and then turned to help defend against Teikou 9!

There was a gasp of air from the audience:

"Emperor Guang's Qingfeng Dahui is going to do it alone?!"

"Aomine Daiki faced off against Saki's two insiders!"

"There is Natsuki Inoue chasing behind him!"

In the past, Natsuki Inoue's technique of controlling movement and connecting shots was quite beautiful, but compared to shooting, for the audience, it is still this kind of head-on confrontation to attack the basket, which is even more exciting!

Power forward Uesaki, originally He was already ready to seal Aomine Daiki.

While staring at the ball, he glanced at Natsuki Inoue out of habit.

When he saw Inoue rushing over, he immediately stopped and followed Inoue's direction.

direction, to block the right side of Qingfeng's breakthrough line.

In this way, he faced the sudden sideways defensive attack, which made Qingfeng's surprise attack slightly delayed, but he easily avoided it with a disguised step. First, in the penalty area, Uesaki's two insiders formed horns, surrounding Aomine on the left and right, but strangely, there was obviously a flaw in the defensive gap in the middle!

Aomine held the ball with both hands, and between the two people, Under the attack, he jumped up.

The ball protector effectively blocked Uesaki Ohmae's block. He was about to take this opportunity to lay up, but was blocked by Uesaki center on the other side.... Qingfeng's reaction was also extremely fast. Almost as soon as he blocked the shot, he had already reacted.

After blocking the shot, he collected the ball to his chest.

Then, he nimbly slipped through the gap between Uesaki's inside duo. At this time, Aomine was already falling, and the ball landed in the distance between the two defenders. The farthest left hand goes to the basket. Aomine Daiki ducks through the gap! But the next second!


Although Inoue Natsuki was breached by Aomine before, he did not give up the defense. Instead, he commanded his teammates and forced Aomine into the defensive trap he had set up using the strength of the team as a whole!

Then... in Aomine At the end of the aerial action, he jumped up and blocked it!

On the bench,

Reiji Fukaya couldn't help but nodded.

For a first-year player, Natsuki Inoue was very good at shooting. The movements are completely different, but the core is still based on one of Shigure's shooting skills. From the confrontation method in the previous offense, we can also see obvious traces of imitating Nijimura, and this first-year player clearly understands He clearly understands the difference in physical ability between himself and Hongcun, and is not simply imitating it.

Although his power is much weaker because of this, it is obviously very suitable for him, and he will transform what he learned from Hongcun into his own. Strength.

Including this defensive command is very Nijimura's style.

"pretty! Inoue!"

"Block him!"

Excited shouts came from the inside duo of Uesaki Middle School. With such a defensive arrangement that made timely judgments, in their view, Teikou No. 9 had no chance of 'surviving'!

But just as they were thinking this At this time,

I saw Aomine Daiki in front of me... still didn't make a move!

In front of everyone's surprised eyes

, Aomine Daiki turned his left hand and suddenly passed the ball!! The one who caught the ball... was the equally surprised Akito Shigure!


This guy Aomine... actually passed the ball at the moment when the attack was about to end ?.

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