‘Your actions, compared to what I expected, just look like a beginner's’

‘in this regard……’


‘You and Qingfeng are on the same level~~’

Looking at Akito Shigure dunking after receiving a pass from him, Aomine couldn't help but think of Captain Nijimura's"sneer" at Haizaki under the overpass stadium, and unreasonably implicated himself in the conversation.

At that time.

I felt that on the last ball, Haizaki took the initiative to find the attack he planned, and he played well. However, Natsuki Inoue, who was eavesdropping along with him, gave himself the answer...

"Maybe pass the ball to the other two high school teammates." better'. to be honest.

It was difficult for Qingfeng to understand.

After all... those two high school students from Xiangyuan were clearly considered 'wastes' by Captain Nijimura himself on the court, so why would they pass the ball to those guys?

If Natsuki Inoue said it according to what he said, then he felt that what Captain Nijimura said was very contradictory.

But Captain Nijimura... as expected... there is definitely something wrong with Inoue Natsuki's understanding.

Putting aside these things that Aomine didn't care much about, there was at least one thing that he was sure of.

‘The last ball’

‘It's an accident’

‘Or, your self-esteem……’

‘You are not allowed to continue that poor performance. '

Captain Nijimura's words were as terrifying as ever, but the meaning behind them was that he clearly agreed with Haizaki's final passing choice for him.


Aomine Daiki's brain circuit quickly completed the closed loop.

In some 'dangerous situations' on the field, perhaps, instead of forcing the ball, passing the ball can create a correct choice that even the Hongcun captain agrees with.

But passing it to someone weaker than him, like the two high school students from Shoin?


Weaker than yourself?

So why not do it yourself?

Aomine didn't know what Haizaki's"self-esteem" was when Nijimura captain mentioned it, but his own"self-esteem" seemed to be reminding him of this all the time.

In this case...

From the two-person defense to the final three-person defense, Qingfeng was confident that he could attack with force.

But all this subconsciously paved the way for Qingfeng to make another completely different choice that he would not have made before, at least not when the attack was about to be completed.

Shigure-senpai is very strong!

So... on that offense where dangerous situations can arise.

Pass it to him... yes!

Simple logic, quite Qingfeng style, completely based on 'self', closed loop!


After Akito Shigure succeeded in dunking, Aomine turned his head and glanced at Natsuki Inoue. When he saw the surprise and increasing solemnity in the opponent's expression, as well as the constant exclamations coming from the scene, he felt that he was passing the ball instead of himself. Score, will the opponent disagree?' This slightly awkward hesitation dissipated.

"This ball is too exaggerated, 1v3?"

"After doing so many moves in the air before passing out, this offense created a complete opening!"

"What's going on with Di Guang? It's amazing enough for first graders."

"Facing Teiko's first-year offense, Uesaki Middle School, which had not lost in this year's qualifiers, suffered a big loss."

"after all……"

"It's Emperor Guang."

On the court.


Shigure Akito's basket fell to the ground. It was rare that after he scored, everyone looked at him. It was not him or Nijimura, but Aomine Daiki.

But it is undeniable.……

"Good transmission……"



While retreating to the backcourt and high-fiving Shigure-senpai, Aomine came back to his senses and suddenly had a strange thought in his mind. He had always seen Nijimura and Shigure-senpai before Such a back view, but just now, I seemed to have briefly stepped into the role of Nijimura's captain.

The way he passed the ball was... quite magical.

"Ha ha~"

"right? senior~"

"Let me just say, I can also attract double teams like Captain Nijimura, and then pass the ball out, and that guy Midorima still laughs at me~"

Akito Shigure:"?"

This kid... do you still remember it?

The so-called 'can pass the ball like captain Nijimura'’……

Shigure Akito clearly remembers that ball.

In the Heishi Middle School game, Aomine was surrounded by three people without knowing it. Nijimura, who had super game reading skills, took the initiative to remind him and then passed the ball.

It's hard to say that it wasn't because of Nijimura's usual power that Aomine had to pass the ball.

Originally... that's what Shigure Akito thought.

But after seeing today's goal, he seemed to be unsure again, because Aomine Daiki's direction seemed to be a little off, although it was only a slight sign.

Off the court.

Following Aomine's amazing 1v3 basket attack and passing ball, the coach of Uesaki Middle School suddenly tightened his grip on the tactical board in his hand, and then stood up from the bench on the sidelines. at the same time.

On Teikou's side, the team members on the bench, including Reiji Fukaya and Shinji Kurono, also widened their eyes. On the contrary, Shuzo Nijimura and Supervisor Shirogane frowned slightly with a calm expression, and the other One showed a smile

·········Asking for flowers············

·········Asking for flowers············

On the field.

The game continues.

The leaders are still Inoue Natsuki and Aomine Daiki.

The current offensive round of Uesaki Middle School.

Natsuki Inoue turned slightly sideways to control the ball at the top of the three-point arc, looking back and forth across the court. Soon, center Uesaki led Akito Shigure out of the penalty area while covering the ball.


It should be said... it was a surprise attack, and there was a cross-cover involving other Uesaki players. It was not targeting Aomine Daiki who was guarding Inoue Natsuki, but Shigure Akito who was hung out from the inside!

The purpose is very clear, use the pick and roll to solve the terrifying defense of Shigure Akito who can easily return to the inside after leaving the penalty area!

The pick-and-roll timing and skills are very good, and he is stuck in the blind spot of Shigure Akito's vision, and the moment of follow-up defense!........0........0


Facing this sudden appearance of another coverer, Shigure Akito's reaction was ridiculously fast. At the moment when he was almost hanging on his opponent, he turned around and beautifully passed the opponent's cover!

Center Uesaki:"!?"

Are you kidding me?

Could it be that his reflexes were those of a beast?!

Otherwise... how could the reaction speed be so fast!

Center Uesaki was extremely surprised. He knew very well that Natsuki Inoue's control movement with the ball just now used another teammate in Shigure Akito's blind spot to target him in a pick-and-roll!

With his back turned, Akito Shigure never received any reminders from his teammates, nor did he notice their cover actions. Instead, the moment he touched the cover, he subconsciously made a dodge action based on instinctive reaction.!

What kind of response and agility would it take to achieve this level?

Center Uesaki was completely unreasonable...


The sudden sense of oppression invaded from across the air, interrupting center Uesaki's mental activity.

When he turned around... he saw Shigure Akito looking at him with burning eyes! and the 'clearly visible' giant elephant’……


"Although my 'wild' is more focused on strength, it is still 'wild' after all."

At this moment.

Akito Shigure opened his arms, carrying the aura of a beast, covering everyone in front of him, including Natsuki Inoue and Daiki Aomine, regardless of friend or foe!

The white jersey, and the illusion The black color forms a sharp contrast!

It looks like a knight corrupted by a demon... not quite like... a positive character!

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