A whole section of time.

Nijimura Shuzo and Shigure Akito responded extremely strongly to their opponents. Not only did they not suffer a loss, they actually made the two opposing Kinka Academy players on the verge of exiting the game.

Then, in the second half of the first quarter, he directly scared two Jinjia players who didn't believe in evil at first.

Faced with increasingly fierce counterattacks, if they continue, they may really end up lying there.

However, the rest of Teikou's team suffered more or less, especially Akashi Seijuro. The offense was fine, but on defense, for the first time, big flaws appeared.

Not long after, the first quarter ended.

Score on the field.

Di Guang vs Jin Jia.


After Akito Shigure used his 'super wide range defense', Nishika, led by Hanamiya Makoto, used 'small moves' to break open the loopholes against Teiko's other team members.

Continuously attract his defense and move the offense in a wide range

‘"Super wide range defense" is a circular range from a position behind the free throw line, covering the defense to the surrounding area, covering the"bowl"-shaped area. If you want to cover the semicircle of your own half of the court as much as possible, There will definitely be blind spots on the field.

In addition, Hanamiya really saw through that point, and the maneuvers under his guidance, although not enough to break through, did create more offensive opportunities than other teams.

So, with Akito Shigure present and fully defensive, Teiko scored a 'record' 18 points in one quarter.

However... the point difference is 19 points

"Damn it! Damn Shigure Akito, damn Nijimura Shuzo, are they bullshit Teiko Twins?! If he joins our Jinjia team, I will give him a starting spot directly!"


"Compared to Di Guang, I feel like they are more like Jin Jia"

"Hey, hey, don't talk nonsense. We at Jinjia don't have such a despicable tradition of making small moves. It's just you, the second-year team members, who are messing around.~"

"snort! Just shut up if you lose the starting spot to our third graders!"


"Especially Nijimura Shuzo. When he was making moves to fight back, I noticed that no one on Teikou's side tried to cover the referee, but it was strange...the referee couldn't see it every time.……"

"hateful! Also, what kind of monster is that Shigure Akito's defense? Several times after Hanamong broke through, the three-point line was pulled out for him. As soon as he turned his head, he almost returned to the penalty area! By the way... Huamong, after you pulled him out, couldn't you just pass it over?"

"No way~ That guy sometimes has a pretty scary ability to intercept the ball when faced with passing lanes close to him."

"Tsk! It's all because of him that we only scored 18 points in one quarter, falling behind by almost 20 points!"

The expressionless Jinjia No. 11 pulled Jinjia No. 10, who picked up the toothpick again and talked endlessly, and the ugly-faced No. 13.

To this...

No. 11 understands it very well.

Because he is directly opposite him. It was built by Nijimura.

No. 13 was facing off against Akito Shigure, and No. 10 was responsible for pick-and-roll coverage. He had to face both Nijimura and Shigure at the same time from time to time, but he still stopped the chatter between the two. Because he noticed at this time, the haze pouring out of Hanamongzhen's face, almost like ink...

Hanamongzhen was in a very bad mood at this time.

For Hanamongzhen, who had to control everything according to his script. , the current situation is completely out of the expected, which should make him quite angry.


Played in the second quarter.

When Jinjia's players passed by Teikou's bench, Haizaki Shogo couldn't help but sneer,"Hey~ After doing this despicable trick for a long time, in the end, isn't the point difference almost 20 points?"

"What a waste……"

However, before Haizaki Shogo said all the words behind him, he was shocked to find that Hanamiya Makoto in front of him suddenly grabbed his hair in pain and said with a sad face:


"What can I do?"

"To defeat the champion Diguang, you can't just rely on words. I have promised the team members that I will take them to higher places no matter what."


"How should we fight against the Imperial Light Twins?"

"Haizaki-san, we don’t want to be so mean!"

Haizaki Shogo was stunned for a moment when he heard Hanamiya's passionate and sincere words.

Then, Haizaki, who is actually very sensitive to the darkness in people's hearts, was still stunned by others, including Midorima. At that moment, his face suddenly turned dark!


"Stop pretending!"

"Who do you think you can fool?!"

Atsushi Murasakihara:"!?"

Qingfeng Dahui:"……?"


Did it turn out to be fake? really. next second

"Of course I wouldn't think so~"


Hanamiya changed his face in a fancy way, and his whole person instantly regained his ferocious gloom. He changed the subject and sneered:"You are very sharp, Haizaki-san.……"

"Compared to those two idiots next to you~"




"I really want to see if my opponent is like you, naive fools who train hard every day, chase after their seniors, and devote their youth to basketball.~"

"Then I will see your frustration and unwillingness after failure.~"


"I’ll be very happy just thinking about it~"

Under the gazes of Teikou’s first-year students who were full of negative emotions, Hanamiya Zhen didn’t give them a chance to talk back, turned around and waved his hand coolly.


"The first-year kid on the bench, don’t come and talk to me. Let’s talk about it first when you can play.~"


At the beginning of the second quarter of the game, Jinjia Academy, compared to the lineup of the first quarter, replaced No. 13 with No. 4 Imayoshi Shoichi.

In the field.

He is the only third grader in Jinjia Academy.

Akashi Seijuro glanced at it. The first quarter had just passed, and the main lineup had been changed, and the third-year point guard was replaced to play shooting guard.

Imayoshi Shoichi


This is a player that Shigure-senpai mentioned emphatically.

However, as the seniors said, with the help of Imayoshi Shoichi, will the possible 'spider web' interception really happen?

After all, when Shigure-senpai mentioned it himself, he wasn't very sure.

And... the senior’s hesitation seems not to be whether Hanamiya can really do it, but whether Imayoshi Shoichi, who is assisting, has enough IQ to keep up with Hanamiya’s pace.



"You shouldn't be holding me back on purpose, right?"

In front of Akashi Seijuro, Hanamiya Makoto was talking to Imayoshi Shoichi, and the latter was hiding behind his glasses, and his eyes that showed no signs of opening were almost invisible, and he narrowed his eyes even deeper in an instant.

"What do you think……"


·········Asking for flowers 0········

"More than just your team"

·········Asking for flowers 0········

Hanamiya Zhen smiled slightly,"You obviously look sinister, but now you are standing on the field, but your moral standard is still unexpectedly high?"

"Doesn't it matter?"

"I think the idiots in the third grade seem to feel betrayed because of your appearance.~?"

Looking back, Imayoshi shook his head.

"Matching your skills is not a despicable thing. Of course, if you still want to change back to your previous playing style, I have no interest in playing, Hanamiya-san."

Having said this, Hanamiya Makoto took the initiative to cut off the boring conversation with Imayoshi Shoichi.

Then, he suddenly raised his head and glanced at the surrounding auditorium.

Then... the hot-blooded man Hanamiya Makoto appeared on the stage.

Pa~ pa~ pa ~ in applause

"Is everyone ready? We're going!!"

"As long as we persevere, even if it's Diguang, we will definitely have a chance to win. Don't let down your hard work throughout the year and show the strength that belongs to our Jinjia Academy!"

"Oh oh!!"....00....00

"On it!"

On the field.

Everyone who knew Hanamiya's abominable face watched his performance speechlessly.

In the first quarter of the game, and throughout the entire quarter, it was only with his command and assistance that Jin Jia was able to frequently evade the referee. Even though he was so despicable, he still dared to say that... but the audience was very impressed.

Cheers continued.

Akashi Seijuro lowered his eyes for a moment,"What's the point of playing with the audience's emotions?" What?



"It’s very simple~"

Hanamiya opened her arms and enjoyed the moment

"The meaning is that when the whole world is cheering for your 'talent'~"

"I just need to fiddle~"


"It’s at your fingertips!"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just laughing~"


Hanamiya's half-closed eyes opened, and he looked at Akashi Seijuro in front of him with burning eyes.

I didn't see your 'talent' at all?

Akashi-san. After a while,

Jinjia Academy's attack was blocked by Shigure Qiuto, and Teikou quickly launched a defensive counterattack. The players moved forward as fast as ever!

"So fast!"

"��Almost reached the opponent's half!"

Akaashi Seijuro advanced with the ball. When he reached the top of the three-point arc, he frowned slightly. He dribbled the ball with his hips with barely visible control of the ball... and followed the trend!

Unexpectedly, he pushed the ball to the three-point mark. Reiji Fukaya outside the line!

At the same time...

Hanamiya Makoto, who looked as expected, suddenly came out. His interception was clearly predicted in advance, and he even followed the interception with a fast break. A confident impact.

However, the ball was suddenly hit by Akashi! Fake move! Another pass!

"Is it within easy reach?……"

Akaashi turned around slowly in response to the cheers of the audience and looked at Hanamiya Makoto, who was rushing to intercept the ball. He couldn't help but rushed behind him,"Teiko has nothing at his fingertips."……"

"All based on strength……"


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