"Eh? What happens if Hanamiya really steals?"

"The previous defense has been quite stable, but just now it was an uncharacteristic gambling steal."


"Very strange."

At the scene, the audience was talking a lot.

On the scene,

Nijimura Shuzo frowned slightly when he saw this, because from Hanamiya Zhen's previous actions, he could easily judge that what Shigure predicted was even Even the named"Spider Web" really came into being.

Sometimes, Nijimura had to worry about Akito Shigure being able to predict his skills in advance by just seeing a few clues. Wonderful and amazing.

For example...

Kuroko's 'misdirection' and Aomine's 'infinite shooting' are really 'spider webs' in front of me, and I even followed his advice to practice 'muscles' last year. , and the famous Nebutani Nagakichi in his area.


Nijimura turned to look at Imayoshi Shoichi.

There is no doubt that

Hanamiya Zhen is very good at intercepting passes. Without the ability to 'predict' like before, I was more confident in 'predicting' the interception action than"two, two, seven, seven, seven, seven", so I risked losing my defensive position and rushed out... everything. With Hanamiya Makoto as the main body, Imayoshi Shoichi

's defensive position has been cooperating with Hanamiya Makoto's movement, making up for and blocking the interception route that Hanamiya Makoto cannot reach by himself.

Therefore, Hanamiya Makoto, who spent a whole section analyzing the game with his extraordinary IQ, only had such confidence and certainty when he had an assistant like Imayoshi Shoichi who could keep up with him. After all, if one can see through the opponent's attack pattern, there will definitely be a pass that cannot be caught.

However, when it comes to chess, chess, and chess..


Akashi, who has many hobbies and is top-notch in academic subjects, is probably no less good at passing the ball. With the look in Murasaki's eyes, Jinjia No. 11 couldn't help but froze, because just before, when Hanamong Zhen took action, he couldn't help but say:

‘Sorry, you who are already trapped in the spider's lair will not score any more points. What awaits you is only an encroaching death. '

Then... when I turned around, Hanamiya was really cut off and failed.

Jinjia No. 11:"……"

Hongcun Xiuzou raised an eyebrow at the other party.

"The little moves that have been planned for so long don’t work. If you want to play seriously now……"


"In a sense, it is actually not as powerful as your style of play in the first quarter, and the skills that best match your level are indeed... only that half-baked little move."


Spectators in the stands.

The second seed Qianguang Middle School in the same district as Jinjia Academy.

Among them, the point guard whose leg was crippled, his expression changed from worried just now to confused now, and then he said in surprise:"It seems……"

"Ever since Imayoshi Sho came on the scene, has Hanamiya really made more mistakes?"

The center, who had the same problem and had his hand disabled, nodded with a strange look on his face.


"That's right." what happened


"Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this. Although I don't want to admit it, except for the despicable little actions, Hanamiya is really... without a doubt a genius."



Qianguang's first-year junior on the team looked at his senior with a surprised look on his face,"Senior... what kind of genius is that despicable guy?……"

"A true genius should be like the twin stars of Diguang……"

Qianguang Center shook his head


"I'm not talking about the court"

"In a simple sense, he is a 'genius' with a very good mind. In Jinka Academy, Hanamiya is really famous. I heard that even though he is never seen studying at all, his test scores are always among the best."

"And obviously……"

"Against us, Hanamiya Makoto, who completely blocked our passing throughout the second half, must have used that mind."

Hearing this, the junior members of Qianguang Middle School were startled.

Immediately afterwards... there was a burst of envy.

You can get high scores without studying, and you can still play a role in sports. It's so enviable.

"……" hateful!

Even so, he's still a bastard!

Qian Guang's point guard continued:"Tei Guang and the others have been playing so far. Although the Tei Guang twins have absolutely dominated the scene, they are a very well-coordinated team when it comes to passing the ball."

"And it’s of a super high standard"

"This level is high……"

"It refers to that kind of beautiful efficiency. All players can basically make the right choices in the game."Qianguang point guard paused,"Normally speaking, just like us, this is a style of play that completely falls into Hanamiya Zhen's trap.……"

"Because Hanamiya can really see through all the opponent's offensive patterns, and then destroy the passing line, intercept the pass, and break the opponent's offense."

"The more calm and calm the type, the more 'correct' handling of the ball will be exploited by Hanamiya Makoto."


"Diguang's No. 8"

"Akashi Seijuro, first grader"

"Totally wrong. In terms of passing skills, this first-year Teiko starter is definitely not the 'right' type, but a skilled type who is proficient in passing skills."

Perhaps it's because of the presence of the two monsters from the Imperial Light Twin Stars that the first-year student has always been the best in the academy.��’, select the 'correct' pass

"The 'passing lines' and 'offensive patterns' analyzed by Hanamiya Makoto in the first quarter may not be fully understood by Akashi Seijuro, who is the point guard."

Furthermore, it's not that simple, because just relying on superhuman passing ability and hitting more 'passing routes' that Hanamiya Makoto didn't expect is not enough to break through the passes laid by Hanamiya Makoto and Imayoshi Shoichi. ball route blocking.........

Among them... on the mental level, we must form a confrontation with Hanamiya Zhen..........


Even before Hanamiya Zhen could force the Teiko Twin Stars to take action, he hit a wall at the directly opposing point guard level... Such a powerful first-year player.

On the field.

Hanamiya really restrained his interception movements a lot.

Therefore... the threat level of interception is reduced by one point.

Hanamiya Makoto:"……!?"

Damn it!

That's it again!

This arrogant first grade brat!

At this moment, the arrogant first-year brat's eyes were not focused on Hanamiya Makoto, but on No. 4, Imayoshi Shoichi, who had been assisting Hanamiya Makoto and blocking a considerable part of his passing routes.


Although he failed to reach the level that Shigure-senpai imagined, this third-year student at Kinka Academy is worthy of the No. 4 jersey.

Akaashi could feel that Imayoshi Shoichi was able to follow Hanamiya's next move in such a timely manner to block Hanamiya's complete lack of command with his eyes and movements. However, in an ever-changing moment, he was entrusted with blocking the passing line. It's not just about the 'brain power' that Shigure-senpai said.

Where the 'brain power' was not enough to keep up, Imayoshi Shoichi relied on observation, by observing Hanamiya Makoto, and even his own expressions and movements.

To achieve psychological insights.

Of course, there were some inaccuracies in this method. In addition, he used his proactive passing ability to take precautions in advance. Therefore, he failed to achieve what Shigure-senpai expected. Everyone was surprised when he heard this. 100% interception.

But from the dirty player in the impression, to an outstanding player with his own unique skills.

Akashi was already impressed by the Hanamiya Makoto in front of him.

To be honest... if it weren't for Shigure-senpai's exaggeration, in the very simple text description of the information, he could accurately infer the opponent's pre-match abilities. 0.9

Flower Palace should be able to pose some threat to Diguang at 0.9. pity……

"From the very beginning, the playing style of constant 'little moves' was foreshadowed, and from there it became bait. If the person encountered was not Teiko, the timeline of baiting and observation might be extended to the entire first half."


"After all the nonsense in the first quarter, it would be best if we could get rid of the two seniors, but if we failed,……"


"From the provocation during the warm-up to the subsequent rough playing style, this can make the opponent lose their mind and make it easier to see the opponent's offensive mode."

"So that you can use the 'spider web' named by Shigure-senpai that you are currently using.’"

"At that time, when you come to your senses, your opponent will probably be tightly bound in your net, like a prey that is difficult to struggle, and will be swallowed up by you."

"evil boy……"

"Is this the title that seniors received in their respective regional qualifiers?"

"It is indeed a cunning script that matches the title. Unfortunately, Shigure-senpai saw through everything from the beginning to the end, including the 'spider web' that we have never seen before.".

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