"Mrs. Jiang, then I'll say goodbye!" The teacher put away the things, nodded toward Song Wenxin, and then turned to leave.

After the teacher left, Song Wenxin quickly said to the servant.

"Let Xiaoxi come directly!"

"OK!" The servant nodded.

After a while, a small figure bouncing in a school uniform jumped into the small study.

"Brother Zixie!"

Chu Xi, carrying a small schoolbag, rushed to Jiang Zixie's side as soon as he entered.

Seeing this, Song Wenxin couldn't help smiling and asked softly.

"Xiao Xi, why did you leave school so early today?"

Compared with Song Wenxin's happiness, Jiang Zi was calm and calm. He didn't react during the whole process. He just sat there silently doing the papers.

"Today's school sports meeting, so early school is early!" Chu Xi replied, taking out a small certificate from his schoolbag.

"I won the sixth place in the running event!" She happily held the certificate and handed it to Song Wenxin and Jiang Zixie.

"Wow, sixth place, Xiaoxi is so smart!" Song Wenxin said in support.

Xiaoxi showed a bright smile, her eyes narrowed into a crescent, very beautiful.

Just then, Jiang Zixie suddenly put down his pen.

"Sports games have nothing to do with the mind." He reminded his mother kindly.

Sports competitions rely on physical strength and endurance, and have nothing to do with being smart or not smart!

And ... A person who remembers his address and remembers it for half a year is not even smart enough!

"Jiang Zixie, it doesn't matter if you don't speak at this time!" Song Wenxin immediately flew a gaze and said in a few words.

Why is this kid so ignorant of style?

At a young age, speaking has a mature and stable feeling, which really makes Song Wen feel uncomfortable.

"..." He just told the truth.

In the face of Jiang Zixie's splashing cold water, Chu Xi didn't care too much, but looked at him with a smile, admiringly.

"However, if Brother Zi Xie is here, he will be able to win first place!"

Brother Zixie is more powerful than all the boys in their class!

"..." Jiang Zixie didn't answer, but picked up the pen and began to do the question silently.

Chu Xi glanced curiously at his paper, but found that he couldn't understand it at all.

Then she realized that the gap between her genius and her turned out to be so big ...

"Xiao Xi, is the afternoon sports meeting fun, are there any other fun things?" Song Wenxin asked Xiaoxi curiously beside him.

There is a vitality in Xiaoxi's body ... he can keep happy all the time.

This is the most important reason why she likes this child.

"Well, our class won the tug of war in the afternoon, and several of our classmates cried. The teachers in our class went to comfort! But our class lost to the second class in the football game, but no one in our class cried. Also One morning, a male student in our class wanted to use a bucket to rectify his teacher, but was arrested and punished to clean the toilet! "Chu Xi told her seriously and interesting things.

Although it is a trivial matter, after she said so, it can make people think of the vivid scene at that time!

"Well, that's very interesting ..." Song Wenxin listened carefully to Chu Xi's words, then nodded, and then turned to look at Zi Xie, who was earnestly making papers beside him.

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