In fact, from the beginning, she wanted Zi Xie to contact Chu Xiduo, and she was selfish.

Since childhood, Zi Xie has been very resistant to communicating with other strangers. When she was with Chu Xi, she was very cold and ignored. But at least it won't resist | resist ...

Therefore, she hoped that Zi Xie could listen to Chu Xi more about things in the school, so as to change his thoughts about going to school.

However, it seems that it has not been effective yet.

This kid is still attentive, writing the paper quickly ...

Song Wen shook his head before turning to Chu Xi.

"Let's go downstairs for a snack, Xing Nuan is eating."

Upon hearing Dim Sum, Chu Xi nodded quickly and followed Song Wenxin happily.

As soon as they left, Zi Xie stopped writing and exhaled.

The ears are finally quiet, and she looks so tender, with a helpless expression at this moment!

It is enough to have a mother alone in the family, and now there is a little sister in his ear all day long!


When Song Wenxin took Chu Xi downstairs to the restaurant, she found that Xing Nuan was no longer in the shadow, and only the snacks that she hadn't eaten in half.

She was puzzled and arranged for Chu Xi, then went to Xing Nuan.

But I looked for a few rooms and didn't see my daughter.

It's not hard to imagine where her daughter Bacheng went to make trouble again!

Just when she was puzzled, she heard a familiar footstep and was going upstairs.

Looking up, Jiang Beihan, wearing a black suit, was walking upstairs, striding his long legs, and striding toward this side.

All of Jiang Beihan's clothes were designed for him by Song Wenxin!

As he came, he unconsciously unbuttoned his suit!

"Why am I here?" Jiang Beihan frowned as he approached, and asked in a low voice.

"I'm looking for your daughter!" Song Wenxin gave him a glance, then sighed.

After hearing that, Jiang Beihan raised an eyebrow. "Very well, my daughter is getting smarter and smarter, and she knows to hide!"

"It's smart, trouble every day!" Song Wenxin couldn't help but give him a few glances at his words.

No matter what Xing Nuan did, he was right in his eyes!

Seeing her resentment in her tone, Jiang Beihan chuckled.

"Why, jealous again? Hmm? I said, you are always the most important thing in my heart!" He reached out and wrapped her arms around, whispering.

"I don't have time to eat your vinegar, you are less narcissistic!" Song Wen gritted his teeth and pushed him out!

Just then, I heard some noise in the nearby room.

Like someone is looking at something ...

And this person, besides their daughter, has no one else.

Song Wen hesitated, "Where did this voice come from?"

Jiang Beihan glanced at his eyes, and finally stopped in the small studio of Song Wenxin.

"Your studio," he whispered.

"It's impossible, my studio is locked." Song Wenxin said a moment, stupidly.

"This little thing, my daughter can't figure it out?" Jiang Beihan sighed proudly.

Just open the lock, just find the key.

The woman's keys were all in the bedside table. If his daughter didn't find it, he still felt wrong!

Song Wen glanced at him, then quickly walked towards the studio!

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