Stopping at the door, she reached out and held the doorknob, and when she twisted it ... the door opened.


As soon as the door was opened, Xing Nuan was sitting in the corner of the studio, turning out all the clothes in her cabinet.

These clothes are all semi-finished products or failed products that Song Wenxin once made by himself. He has been piled here for a long time.

But did not expect to be turned out by his daughter.

"Xing Nuan, why are you here ..."

"Mom, what is this?" Xing Nuan was not too surprised to see both parents coming, but grabbed a white man's shirt in doubt, shaking in front of Song Wenxin's eyes.

It's a white shirt that looks like dad's clothes.

However, the clothes have already become shabby ...

Why should I keep such clothes?

Listening to her daughter's words, Song Wen looked up subconsciously, and when she saw the familiar white shirt, she was all stunned ...

This dress ...

The white shirt was from Jiangbeihan. It was the evidence of what she did after she was drunk ...

She almost forgot about it herself. She felt embarrassed at the time, so she hid this white shirt that she ‘torn’ by herself.

But ... I didn't expect that one day, they would be found out by their daughter.

Shameful old memories, just like this ... once again surfaced.

This feeling surprised Song Wenxin.


"This ... this ..." She opened her mouth, her face awkward, her tongue knotted, and she didn't know how to explain it to her daughter.

Jiang Beihan, who was next to Song Wenxin, also recognized the dress, and crossed his handsome face with a smug smile.

With pride in his eyes, he leaned his head against her ear and whispered, "Song Wenxin, you have kept this dress ..."

"I ... I just have nothing to lose ..." Song Wen explained quickly, heart-warming.

That thing may be the last thing she regrets in her life!

Thinking, she hurried forward and reached out to take the shirt from her daughter.

"By the way, Xiaoxi is here and is in the downstairs restaurant." She pretended to be calm to her daughter.

Xing Nuanting likes to play with Xiaoxi because Xiaoxi often brings some small gifts to her, delicious sweets, or small dolls.

They are already good friends!

Upon hearing Xiaoxi's arrival, Jiang Xingnuan was intrigued. He was not interested in the white shirt, turned around and walked away with great strides, and went to the second floor to find Chu Xi!

As soon as her daughter was gone, Song Wenxin was relieved. She glanced down at the white shirt on her hand, and resigned her lips, holding it in a ball, ready to throw it into the trash.

"Don't lose it!" Just then, Jiang Beihan's voice suddenly sounded.

Just when she was holding her back, he had stepped over and raised his hand to take the shirt from her.

"Why, it's rotten ..."

"This is a memory between us, so ... I'll let it be framed for a while and put it away!" Jiang Beihan glanced down at the torn white shirt on his hand and said with thin lips.

"Jiang Beihan, you're enough! I don't want such memories at all!" Wen Yan said that Song Wenxin was all bad, and quickly denied it.

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