She didn't want to injure innocent people by accident!

"What's going on?" Jiang Beihan frowned, and then asked her.

Song Wenxin bit his lip, and handed him the biscuit box.

"It's this ... Xing Nuan is because of eating this!"

She sighed and said helplessly.

My daughter is only three years old, and she is so worried!

Jiang Beihan looked down and recognized the box of biscuits. It was the box of ‘Jiang Beihan’ that he had kept in the study for seven years.

It was a birthday present she made for him!

The expression on the cold face became stiff, and his expression became complicated immediately!

Unexpectedly, this thing was turned out by his daughter and eaten ...

"She found out from your study." Song Wenxin looked at him and said.

It was just a box of ordinary cookies, and he kept it as a baby.

Although this man usually looks like he doesn't care about anything, the softest part of his mind can always poke her like this.

"Hmm ..." Jiang Beihan frowned his thin lips, reached for the biscuit, turned it over, but found the three characters Jiang Beihan, Han has been lost!

He felt a sudden ache in his heart. Was that girl specifically eating Hanzi? !!

There was a little anger and distress in the black eyes!

He stayed for seven years and didn't want to eat it. He never thought it would end up in the hands of his daughter!

This is also the first time he is angry with what his daughter has done!

"Well? You don't have anything to say ..." Seeing Jiang Beihan's answer so light and uncomfortable, Song Wen hesitated and asked.

"No!" Jiang Beihan replied calmly, although he really had one at this time, he really wanted to grab the sleeping little girl and pat her ass!

Seeing him not to say, Song Wenxin had to ask.

"Why do you keep this cookie ..." She looked at him curiously.

"Favorite!" Jiang Beihan closed the biscuit box, moved his throat, and replied slightly.

"This thing is not a collectible, what is there to collect ..." His words made Song Wenxin speechless.

He collects antiques, calligraphy and painting, gold and silver diamonds, these are normal.

However, no one in this world will collect a box of cookies that will deteriorate and rot.

Although it is undeniable that he is well preserved, the appearance of the biscuit does not seem to be damaged in any way!

"..." Jiang Beihan was delayed by her question, with a somewhat uncomfortable expression on his face, and said nothing more, but passed the cookie to Shangguan aside and motioned for him to put away.

Shangguan instantly noticed and turned away with the biscuit box.

Ao Jiao, like him, naturally didn't want to admit in front of her, because she gave it away, so she didn't want to eat it, and kept hiding.

This seemed too unpromising, and did not fit his identity as the domineering family head in her eyes!

Seeing this, Song Wenxin couldn't help but cover his lips and smiled, then said kindly.

"If you like to eat, I'll make it for you another day!"

Is it because her craftsmanship is so good that he doesn't want to eat it all at once and keeps eating slowly?

"That's different!" Jiang Beihan frowned, and finally could not help but retort!

It was a birthday present she gave him. How could other biscuits be compared!


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