Black Bellied Husband’s Indulgence: His Wife is not Allowed to Hide

Chapter 1457: Don't want to escape at all (end of text)

"No reason!" Jiang Beihan frowned, answering uneasily.


In the years that followed, Song Wenxin also asked this question many times, but Jiang Beihan never answered it.

However, these are no longer important.

The most important thing is that their family of five will live happily together forever.

That's enough ...

From today on, Jiang Beihan has changed from a lonely individual to a happy man with wife and children. Although he never admits it, the ice in the dark eyes has slowly melted ... ...

In the future, every festival, every birthday, every anniversary, his wife and children will be with him.

The original cold and quiet Mid-levels villa, without knowing it, became more and more lively and more and more feel like home.

From then on, just like Jiang Beihan said at the wedding.

Song Wenxin could not escape his palm in this life.

No, it is not impossible to escape, but she does not want to escape at all!


(The text part ends here, thank you for your support!

The following is Fanwai. In fact, the difference between Fanwai and the text is not very big, it is all about the story of the Jiang family.

Tell the story of the next generation over time.

The other half of Zi Xie's future, and ... Which man can surrender Jiang Xingnun, the youngest daughter of the Jiang family? Then keep watching ~)


Years later.

Century City High School Opening Day.

The weather in the early autumn was not cold at first, but a rain suddenly made people feel a bit cold.

Today is the first day that Chu Xi has become a high school student. She encountered a drop in temperature, and she was sluggish.

"Student Chu Xi, I didn't expect to see you here!" Suddenly someone was filmed behind him, and then a boy's voice was heard.

Chu Xi glanced around and saw a handsome, short-haired boy looking at him.

This person is her classmate of three years in junior high school, Xu An.

"Oh ... how clever ..." Chu Xi smiled and waved politely at the other party.

I didn't expect to meet my former classmates here ...

Century High School is a relatively good school in City A. Chu Xi had spent a lot of effort to get into this school.

But in the end it was not accepted because of the gap in the score line.

The reason why she can come here now is because her dad took care to send her in.

As someone once said, she is a complete fool and is not worthy of being a friend with him!

Thinking of this, the expression on Chu Xi's face changed, and her lost emotion suddenly surfaced uncontrollably.

She had been there for more than two months and had never seen him again.

After knowing that the exam had failed, she knew she didn't face him, and was unworthy to be friends with geniuses, so she consciously blocked herself to avoid annoying eyes in front of him.


"Student Chu Xi, what's wrong with you, isn't it uncomfortable?" Xu An asked her with some confusion when she saw her face was not good.

"No ..." No word just came out, suddenly reached out to Convenient, and stroked her forehead.

Chu Xi froze ...

"Let's go!" At this moment, a very cold male voice suddenly sounded beside him.

When hearing this familiar voice, Chu Xi was startled, then looked up in shock at the source of the voice ...

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