Black Bellied Husband’s Indulgence: His Wife is not Allowed to Hide

Chapter 1459: Why haven't you come to my house for so long

This point, since she grew up and became sensible, she became more and more clear.

For a long time, she felt that he seemed to have a world of his own, shutting himself in, and others couldn't get close, always felt like a wall separated from him.

Now, she no longer likes to follow him as a child, annoyingly called his brother Xie brother.

When she was young, she always thought that she could be a good friend with him, but later, she slowly realized that she had already developed a kind of ... hazy emotion towards him.

Since then, she has never called his brother Brother Xie again.


It didn't take long for the teacher to come and start calling.

You all know that this handsome man is called Jiang Zixie.

It is precisely because of Jiang Zixie's arrival that Chu Xi is a little bit floating all day today, not in a state.

Although I really want to study with my heart, my brain always floats to his side ...

It was not until after school that she was relieved.

By the time she was out of the classroom, the people in the school were almost gone, and the school entrance was sparse, with only a few people coming out occasionally.

Chu Xi, carrying a schoolbag, slowly walked out of the school gate.

Dad, who has been busy with work, said that he will come to pick her up today.

Therefore, as soon as he left the school, Chu Xi stood obediently waiting at the door.

It was just that she didn't wait for her dad's car, but saw a black car and slowly parked in front of her.

The window in the back seat was opened, revealing a handsome and handsome face.

When I saw Jiang Zixie, Chu Xi took a moment ...

"Get in the car!" He rolled her eyes and whispered.

"But, I'm waiting for my dad ..." Chu Xi bowed her head and said weakly.

"He won't come today."

Jiang Zixie's words dropped, and the driver in front continued.

"Mr. Chu said hello to his wife. It was the wife who asked the young master to drop you back!" The driver explained.

Won't come?

After hearing that, Chu Xi took out her cell phone by mistake, and at a glance, it turned out that she had a message from her father.


-Xixi, Dad has an important dinner tonight and can't pick you up.


She was suddenly speechless ...

Could not help but yell, old drunkard!

Who was early in the morning and said to her excitedly that his daughter is finally in high school today, and he will come to pick her up and such!

I didn't expect it to turn back ...

After packing his phone, Chu Xi could only get in the car obediently and sit in the back seat with Jiang Zixie.

In the compartment, I suddenly fell into the dead silence ...

"You ... how did you come here for class ..." Eventually, Chu Xi couldn't bear the silence, and asked first.

"I | Mom | Forcing!" Jiang Zixie raised his eyelids, then replied slightly.

"Oh ..." After hearing what he said, Chu Xi nodded without asking more.

Aunt Wen Xin really always hoped that he would come out more to contact his peers.

"Why didn't you come to my house for so long?" Just as she was silent, Jiang Zixie's cold voice suddenly sounded.

She froze for a moment, and he was a bit wrong. He would ask her this question.

Didn't he always feel annoyed, why didn't she want to go to him ...

However, when she looked up at him, he looked away expressionlessly, and then added, "It's me | Mom let me ask!"

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