For a while, he | Mom did not miss her name in his ears.

So it led to ... he even suddenly noticed that, he used to talk about a non-stop person, why did he suddenly disappear.

"Because I am going to rise, I have been busy reviewing ..." Chu Xi understood, smiled, and then answered awkwardly.

She couldn't say that, because the test was too bad, she was embarrassed.

Hearing that, Jiang Zixie couldn't help but stare at her for a long time and didn't believe her words.

And she was silently looking out the window.

At school, she never said a word to him, as if she didn't know him.

But now she was quiet and in front of him, she had lost the enthusiasm of the past, but it made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Miss Chu, here." The driver's voice sounded.

Chu Xi returned to God and saw that she had arrived at her doorstep.

"Thank you, then I'm going back." Chu Xi pushed the door and got out of the car, showing a sign that smiled, thanked the driver and Jiang Zi, then closed the door and turned to leave.

The car slowly left, but Jiang Zixie's sight was fixed in the rearview mirror. From the mirror, she could see her figure jumping back and forth ...


Not long after, the car returned to the Mid-levels villa.

As soon as the car stopped, a servant immediately came to open the door and took the schoolbag from his hand.

"Master is back!"

After a while, a beautiful woman trot out of the villa in slippers!

"Zi Xie, welcome back!" With a bright smile on her face, she spread her hands toward him, trying to hug Jiang Zixie.

He was held by a big hand, and then took it into his arms.

"Jiangbeihan!" Song Wenxin looked up at the other person with a white look, this man always eats flying vinegar!

Looking at the love between the husband and wife, Jiang Zixie had already lost interest, bypassing the two at the door, and slowly walked in.

It was just two steps away, and Song Wenxin's voice came from behind.

"By the way, why didn't Xiaoxi come?" Song Wenxin looked around. He didn't see Xiaoxi's figure, and was a little disappointed.

She thought that this boy would bring Xiaoxi together today!

After hearing her mentioning Chu Xi, Jiang Zixie paused for a moment, without answering, but walked straight into it.

"This boy!" Song Wen couldn't help his lips when he saw that he didn't answer his love.

"Well, how can I teach you a meal ?!" Jiang Beihan on the side lowered his head and asked with thin lips.

It just happened that he had seen the stinky boy unpleasant for a long time, and he wanted to have a hard lesson!

"Just rest, you won't be able to beat your son in a few years!" Song Wenxin said, mocking his lips.

Zi Xie's height is no longer shorter than that of Jiangbei Han. It is estimated that he will surpass him in two years!

"Song Wenxin, are you doubting my ability? So, let me prove to you my ability now!" But she heard Jiang Beihan's displeasure for a while, and she raised her sleeve and planned to catch up!

Song Wen was startled, and quickly reached out and hugged his arm.

"Don't ... count me wrong, okay?" She sighed helplessly.

Seeing her admonishment, Jiang Beihan only tickled her thin lips!


A city primary school entrance.

An nanny car stopped early at the door and waited.

"Why hasn't my sister come out yet?"

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