"Why hasn't my sister come out yet?"

Inside the car, Ziyan raised his hand anxiously and looked at the time on the watch, then said in doubt.

"Let's go in and have a look!" Zi Yi stretched his neck, looked inside the school, and said anxiously.

The two brothers, who are currently in junior high school, came to pick up their sister as soon as it was out of school.

But after waiting for a long time, I didn't see her come out.

"Master No. 2 and Master No. 3, it's better to wait. We haven't been here long." The driver in front smiled, and then said comfortably.

It only took a few minutes, and the two were in a hurry.

The brother and sister's school is very close to each other. Every time after school, the two young masters will come to pick up Xing Nun together.

"Miss is out!" The driver pointed sharply and saw Jiang Xingnuan, who was surrounded by several boys and girls leaving the school gate, and pointed quickly.

Upon hearing, the two brothers turned their heads and looked away.

I saw a beautiful girl in school uniform surrounded by five or six boys and girls who also wore school uniforms and walked towards the school gate.

And that pretty girl is Jiang Xingnuan.

Eleven-year-old Jiang Xingnuan is now in his fifth grade. She usually likes to wear two low ponytails to tie up her long black hair. Her big eyes are very bright and her skin is fair. The eye-catching, always makes people fix their eyes on this beautiful little girl at a glance!

Although he is only eleven years old, he has already been a popular figure in school.

"Xing Nuan, let my driver take you home after school today!" The boy in the uniform next to him looked at Jiang Xingnu with a smile and said.

Jiang Xingnuan had already learned to refuse, raised Yang's chin, and then answered directly, "My brother will come to pick me up."

"My birthday tonight, can you come to Xing Nuan?" Another girl looked at her with anticipation.

In school, except for boys who like to be around her, girls are no exception. There are always girls who want to be friends with her.

Jiang Xingnuan has already seen through them. Those who said they would be friends with her were only because of her father's identity.

In this school, most of them are children of businessmen, and no one wants to be related to the Jiang family ...

It is well known that Jiang Xingnuan is the daughter of Jiang Beihan's most painful. Being friends with her is of great help to her own career!

"I'm not free at night, but I'll let the driver deliver the gift to your home!" Jiang Xingnuan glanced at the other person, and then said well prepared.

The little princess who is accustomed to being surrounded by people, and the tone of her eyebrows, is inevitable a little pride ~

"Star warm!" At this time, Jiang Ziyan and Jiang Ziyi had already got off the car and looked at their sister.

Seeing them coming, Jiang Xingnuan smiled slightly.

"Second Brother, Third Brother!" She laughed, then took the schoolbag from the male student next to her, and trot past it.

"Let's get in the car, let's go home!" Jiang Ziyan took the schoolbag from his sister, and said gently.

The three siblings got in the car, and the car went slowly.

The students who stayed at the school gate looked at each other ...


"I'm tired from school today. How are you getting along with your classmates?" It didn't take long for me to get on the bus here, and my second brother Jiang Ziyan asked with concern.

Since the birth of his younger sister, he has been watching her grow up slowly, and already has a sense of responsibility for his elder brother.

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