"Not tired, it's just too boring." Jiang Xingnan shook his head and said boringly.

The teacher cares too much about her, always obedient!

None of the teachers in the school, including the principal, dared to offend her ... and this feeling made her extremely boring!

A group of adults, but she is afraid of this child!

"There's nothing you can do, bear with it, let's take you out after the holiday!" Ziyan comforted his sister.

"Who are those male classmates at the door just now, do they always annoy you?" Sanzi Yi couldn't help asking.

"Nothing, I've been used to it for a long time!" Wen Yan, Jiang Xingnuan's indifferent answer.

"Well then, if someone bullies you, tell your third brother, I'm sure they won't let them find their teeth all over the place!" Jiang Ziyi said angrily.

Looking at the third brother talking, Xing Nuan couldn't help laughing, "Did you fight again outside, be careful to go back to your mother to pack you."

The third brother is the most naughty of the three brothers, and his personality is relatively extroverted, so he always causes trouble!

However, the identity of the three masters of the Jiang family gave him a lot of bullying rights!

"I'm just kidding!" Ziyi explained quickly after hearing Xing Nuan's words.


Mid-level villa.

dinner time.

Family of six eating dinner as usual.

"Dad, our school will have a parent-teacher meeting tomorrow!" Ziyan said, putting down the chopsticks first.

"As well as us, we will have a parent meeting tomorrow," Zi Yi said after listening.

"So?" Jiang Beihan was chopping vegetables in Song Wenxin's bowl, heard the words, glanced at the two sons on the opposite side, and asked in a low voice.

Ziyan turned to look at Yi Yi and motioned for him to say.

"Daddy, can you come tomorrow?" Ziyi continued.

"Let Shangguan go for me!" Jiang Beihan said with a lip.

"Why?" Zi was puzzled ...

"Xing Nuan School will also have a parent meeting tomorrow afternoon, I have to go!" Jiang Beihan said with a look of course!

This afternoon, his secretary received a call from their school!

Daughter's parent meeting, he has never been absent!

"Okay ..." Wen Yan, Zi Yi glanced at the sister next to her, and immediately lost her anger.

In this home, it is already normal for women to be superior to men, and everyone is used to it.

Because there are four men in the family and only two women, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the law of making things rare.

Therefore, women, in this home, have an absolutely important position!


"I'll be free tomorrow, your parents will leave me, how about it?" At this time, Song Wenxin put down the tableware and suddenly proposed.

She doesn't have to worry about the company's affairs, so she is quite free every day!

Also want to go to the parents' meeting of the children!

She wanted to come to her only when Ziyan and Ziyi went to primary school and had a parent meeting at their school.

"No!" Her voice fell, and Jiang Beihan's refusal sounded.

"Why?" Song Wen looked at him puzzled.

"You don't have to go out of your way to show up!" He frowned, and then whispered.

He didn't like his wife, and he appeared beautifully at the parents' meeting of the stink boys!

Hearing that, Song Wenxin was a little stunned.

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