
"It's not too early. Let's go upstairs and rest early. After getting full sleep, it will become more and more beautiful." Chu Yansen rubbed his daughter's small head and said with pity.

Upon hearing that, Chu Xi nodded, "Good night, Dad." After saying good night sweetly, she turned obediently upstairs.


on Monday……

When Chu Xi arrived at school, she was almost in class.

She was carrying a backpack and approached the school very low-key, sitting silently in her seat.

It's just ... even if she keeps a low profile, she is still found.

"Chu Xi, why didn't you answer my call yesterday!" Pei Xue's questioning sounded in his ear.

Chu Xi was startled and turned to look around, only to see Pei Xue had arrived at her seat, staring at her angrily.

"I ..." Chu Xi froze, looking a little embarrassed.

"Why didn't you come to my house yesterday?" Pei Xue was angry when she didn't speak.

"I told you, but if he doesn't go, I can't help it ..." Chu Xi sighed and said helplessly.

Speaking, he subconsciously glanced at Jiang Zixie's seat.

He hasn't come yet.

She has passed on the gift to Pei Xue, and if he invites him to his birthday, she will tell her.

However, Jiang Zixie refused to attend Pei Xue's birthday party. She knew that Pei Xue wanted to see Jiang Zixie, so she naturally did not go.

As for Pei Xue's call, she didn't answer because she didn't know how to reply to her.

I didn't expect to be counted by her on Monday!

This feeling made her feel uncomfortable.

"Chu Xi, I see that you are selfish at all, deliberately not helping me, and want to see if I am ugly!" Upon hearing her explanation, Pei Xue was even more angry and the voice became louder, and everyone in the entire classroom heard .

Her accusation was inexplicable to hear Chu Xi's meal!

"Pei Xue, what do you mean by this, you asked me to help, I have already helped you, what else do you want!" She stood up and was finally agitated a little bit angry.

Pei Xue asked her to help, and she helped. Although she didn't want to help, she finally did it because the other person regarded herself as a friend.

But she did not expect that she would be counted in the end.

"Isn't it? Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking about. You like Jiang Zixie and just say, I don't need to play tricks with me to embarrass me! Pei Xue is really blind and I have met friends like you! Pei Xue didn't have any fear at all, instead he scolded and became more vigorous.

After hearing her words, Chu Xi only felt ridiculous ...

At this moment, she can be regarded as the true colors of the other party.

No wonder, when Pei Xue said that she was a friend, she didn't feel happy ...

It turned out that the other party didn't treat her as a friend at all, but just wanted her to help.

However, she really treats the other party as a friend. Even if she likes Jiang Zixie, she still goes to help her to deliver things and angers Jiang Zixie.

It's ridiculous ...

For the first time, she felt that things like friends and what Dad said were not entirely correct.

Making more friends doesn't necessarily make people happy!

"So, you've been using me, haven't you?" Chu Xi gritted her teeth and looked at each other ridiculously.

"Otherwise, if it weren't for Jiang Zixie, how could I be a friend to a fool like you!"

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