Pei Xue said with a sneer, in the eyes, on the face, full of irony to her, not to hide!

Idiot ...

These two words pierced into Chu Xi's heart.

Yeah ... she's a fool.

Jiang Zixie said the same thing, so she didn't know the other person was like this.

Probably it was related to my dad's education from a young age, making her think that most things in this world are beautiful.

Most people do the same.

But now it seems that she was wrong!

"Pei Xue, are you too much!" At this moment, Xu An suddenly squeezed over and looked at Pei Xue angrily.

Xu An's sudden appearance made Chu Xi a bit mistaken ...

"This is my business with her, it has nothing to do with you." Seeing Xu Anlai, Pei Xue gave the other party a disdainful look.

"Chu Xi's thing is my thing!" Xu An said with confidence, seeing that Chu Xi was bullied, he couldn't stand it.

Hearing that, Pei Xue laughed.

"Are you her boyfriend, care so much!"

"I ... I'm her friend! You speak more politely!" Xu An turned to look at Chu Xi, and then said again.

"I'm welcome to speak, what can you do, want to hit me? Then do it, if you are not afraid of being fired!" Pei Xue was not afraid of the other side, but became more provocative.

Her mouth and face at this time, as usual in front of Chu Xi, looked like a terrible difference ...

Chu Xi is an eye-opener ...

This world is far from what she originally imagined.

"Xu An, it's okay ... don't be impulsive ..." Seeing Xu An's impulsive look, Chu Xi saw the situation was not good, and quickly reached out and pulled him.

If he did, he would probably have to be fired.

"Chu Xi, don't think you can be proud of having a boy to help you!" But unexpectedly, Pei Xue became even more aggravated. She pointed at Chu Xi and said yin and yang strangely. It's appetizing! It's also this fool who will confess you as a goddess. You should have done everything to the boys in private! "

Yesterday's birthday, she carefully arranged and invited many friends, but Jiang Zixie didn't show up, making her lose face.

This time, all the qi was sprinkled on Chu Xi's body.

Although Chu Xi is low-key, because of her innocence, her popularity in the school is not low, and she is very close to Jiang Zixie. This makes Pei Xue, who is proud, long gone.

Now there was an opportunity, and all the grievances were vented.

"Pei Xue, keep your mouth clean, don't spit yourself out!" The inexplicable Chu Xi, finally scolded, could not bear it.

Especially her last sentence ... made her intolerable.

She knew for the first time that there were such unreasonable people in the world.

"Just tell me how you are doing, what you have done yourself, isn't anyone telling me?" Pei Xue intensified and even reached out to push Chu Xi ...

Chu Xi was almost pushed down, but fortunately was supported by Xu An, she survived!

"Pei Xue you ..." Just when Chu Xi was angry and didn't know how to organize the language to scold each other, his voice was suddenly interrupted.

"Apologize." A cold voice sounded.

Just beside Chu Xi, I don't know when, there is an extra slender figure.

This person is Jiang Zixie who just entered the classroom.

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