He was wearing a school uniform, carrying a backpack with one hand, and a handsome looking face, at this time full of serious expression.


It was only when Chu Xi was confused that everyone reacted. This sentence was what Jiang Zixie said to Pei Xue.

"Student Zixie ..." The sudden appearance of Jiang Zixie also surprised Pei Xue. The arrogant expression on his face disappeared suddenly ...

"Apologize to her for what you just said." Jiang Zixie glanced at each other, and then spoke again. He turned to look at Chu Xi next to him, and when he saw the grievance on her face at this moment, there was a little more anger in the black eyes ...

Just now, he was standing at the door, and he understood everything the other person said to Chu Xi.

"Why ... what ..." After listening to Jiang Zixie's words clearly, Pei Xue scratched a panic and embarrassment on his face.


Chu Xi also looked up at Jiang Zixie stupidly, looking at his beautiful face.

Isn't he angry with her ...


"I gave her away the gift, and I refused the birthday party." Jiang Zixie then opened his mouth, explaining reluctantly, saying that his eyes changed, "Don't bother me again."

He was annoying, and Chu Xi was very annoying to help other girls give him gifts.

"..." After listening to Jiang Zixie's words, Pei Xue's face slowly turned white ...

She lowered her head, gritted her teeth secretly, shameless self-compliance, and turned to leave, but was stopped by Xu An.

"You haven't apologized to Chu Xi!" Xu Anyi said rightly.

Pei Xue is quite accustomed in the class and has always hated him!

"You get away!" Pei Xue glanced at Xu An, then reached out and pushed him away, trotting away from the classroom.

As soon as Pei Xue left, there was a lot of discussion in the classroom, and many people laughed at Pei Xue.

But Chu Xi's mind was a little bit sloppy ...

This is the first time she has grown up, arguing with others ...

And this person is still a friend she once thought. This kind of feeling ... makes people feel a little bit of a gap.

She really is a fool and treats everyone as a friend.

"Are I stupid and treat everyone as a friend ..." She lowered her eyes and said in a complicated mood.

I don't know why, she wanted to cry at this moment.

Seeing her low mood, Xu An was anxious, and was about to comfort her, but Jiang Zixie stared at her for a moment before suddenly speaking.

"Chu Xi, come out." He called her name.

When the words fell, he turned and left.

Seeing this, Chu Xi froze, then looked at his back stupidly, and eventually followed him obediently.

As soon as the two left, only Xu An was left looking at them lonely ...


After Jiang Zi was out of the classroom, he walked all the way ... I don't know where to go.

"Where are we going?" Chu Xi asked with a doubt on his face, but he did not answer, but kept walking.

Until Jiang Zixie came to the empty auditorium of the school ...

The auditorium, which can accommodate hundreds of people, was empty at this time, and the light was very dim.

What are they doing here ... Just as she wondered, Jiang Zixie's voice rang again.

"Cry if you want to cry, don't bear it." Jiang Zixie lowered his head and looked at her.

He hadn't counted since childhood, how many times she had cried in front of him.

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