When Chu Xi returned to God, he had turned and walked away.

She was agitated and quickly followed.

"This par ..." she asked carefully as she followed him.

"Wash it up and return it to me."

"Oh ..." She glanced down at the papa in her hand, but couldn't help but smile.

On the campus in the morning, the sun was just right.

The two walked in the long corridor one after the other, as if ... there was never an end.


Since that day, Pei Xue has transferred to school.

Before leaving, he wrote a thousand-letter apology letter with sincerity, posted it on the school's public bulletin board, and left it for two full months before being removed.

After Pei Xue left, Chu Xi's life at school also seemed much calmer.

Studying hard every day and chasing Jiang Zixie's figure hardly seemed to be her only mission.


In a blink of an eye, city A entered winter.

Immediately after, the first winter vacation in high school followed.

On the first day of the winter vacation, my father told Chu Xi that the company had just finished a big project and would take people from the whole company to travel and take her out for a break.

To be able to hang out with Dad, Chu Xi is naturally very happy ...

"By the way, you can call Jiang Zixie a while and let him go play together, the place has a good scenery." Chu Yansen looked at his daughter happy, showing a kind expression.

Upon hearing Dad's words, Chu Xi blushed immediately.

"But he doesn't know if he will go ..."

She has never invited Jiang Zixie to hang out ...

"That being the case, then forget it, we can go together with the rest of the company and the rest of the company." Chu Yansen intentionally laughed at his daughter.

"I'll call right away!" Chu Xi said quickly, and then ran upstairs!

Just a moment later, she ran down again.

"Dad, let me go to the Jiang family!"

She thought that Jiang Zixie would definitely refuse if she only called by invitation.

But if he begged him face-to-face, he might still agree.

"Don't play too late." Chu Yansen understood his daughter's thoughts, but just asked such a word, and didn't hesitate.

Chu Xi had already trot away.


The Jiang family at this time is just another picture ...

In the large living room of the Mid-level Villa, Jiang Beihan was sitting on a chair.

On the opposite sofa, there were three children, Jiang Zixie Jiang Ziyan and Jiang Ziyi, as if they were having a major meeting.

Every time when it comes to the winter holiday and long-term holiday such as the summer vacation, there will be part of the time, the brothers of the Jiang family, either left in the city A to look after the house, or they are 'distributed' to other places. Travel, see the world more often.

But everyone knows that Dad is doing this just to take them all away. He is so exclusive to his mother.

This is the first summer vacation. Jiangbeihan has let people come over and let the three children choose their own tourist routes.

"Several young masters, let's see how this island in country S is. The temperature on the island is suitable and the sun is just right. It is the most comfortable time to go at this time. And the island's attractions are very good and the sea water is very clear He stayed there for two weeks and just returned for the Spring Festival. "The assistant smiled and introduced the three brothers politely.

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