The three brothers were black and didn't want to ignore him.

"I want to stay home and play with my sister this winter vacation." Jiang Ziyi raised his hand and suggested that they are not at home, and the sister will be bored.

He wants to accompany his sister.

"Xing Nuan will go with you this time." Jiang Beihan glanced at him and said.

As I was talking, the young lady Jiang Xingnuan also came to the living room and sat naturally among her brothers.

"Go and go, there is nothing fun to stay here anyway." The little girl spread her hands and said indifferently.

She doesn't want to be a light bulb with mom and dad!

"Well, then I have no opinion!" Jiang Ziyi immediately accepted the setting when he heard his sister was going.

City A is dying cold, and it is also a good choice to go to a warm place for winter.

"I don't have any opinion either." Jiang Ziyan also looked at the younger sister beside him and said with a smile.

"I won't go!" Jiang Zixie, who looked down at the book, looked up at the two boys and sister beside him, and then said quietly.

As soon as Jiang Zixie made a noise, Zi Yan and Zi Yi looked at him with admiration.

In this home, the elder brother is the only man who dares to face his father!


Sure enough, when Jiang Zixie said he could not go, Jiang Beihan's face changed.

"Don't go ?! Um? You say it again!"

The stink boy, the bigger, the more daring, and dare to face him casually!

You know, if Zi Xie wasn't going to travel, Song Wenxin couldn't rest assured that he had been with him in the two-person world, and had to take care of the children at home when his mother love broke out.

"I won't go!" Jiang Zi didn't worry about it when he fell. He looked up at Jiangbeihan and said it again very calmly.

Just when Jiangbeihan was about to start, a maid suddenly came over.

"Sir, Miss Chu Xi is here, Mrs. Master is passing by!" The servant replied.

After hearing that, Jiang Zixie put down the book in his hand and got up and left!


In the restaurant, Song Wenxin was pulling Chu Xi to drink tea.

"This scented tea is so beautiful ..." Chu Xi watched as the cup was soaked, and several flowers bloomed in the water, exclaimed.

It turns out that you can drink tea like this.

"You'll get something back and drink it later." Song Wen smiled and said.

These scented tea flowers are all cultivated by Er Wei Qiao Weiwei.

At this time of the year, Qiao Weiwei will send some New Year's goods. What scented coffee is essential.

As he said, Jiang Zixie strode in.

"How's the talk about travel?" Song Wenxin asked curiously as soon as his son came in.

What Jiang Beihan told her was that a few children wanted to travel, so they should discuss the travel route together.

She is naturally supportive. After the children have gone out, she also has time to go out with Jiang Beihan and take a look.

Sometimes, it is also a wonderful thing to go back to the place that I visited together more than ten years ago.

Facing her mother's question, Jiang Zixie did not answer, but turned her attention to Chu Xi.

"You two can talk to each other, I'll go and see them." Song Wen smiled heartily, and then left the restaurant silently.

As soon as Song Wen was gone, Chu Xi became nervous unconsciously.

Jiang Zixie glanced at her, then slowly walked to her side, opened the chair, and sat down.

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