"Drink tea ..." Chu Xi helped him to pour a cup of scented tea and handed him the tea cup with a smile.

Jiang Zixie didn't mean to reach out but took a look at her, "Say."

"Oh ..." Chu Xi nodded, lowered the tea cup, sorted out the language, and then said, "That's ... tomorrow I and my dad, but also the people in their company, want to go on a tour ... want to see Do you have time to play together for a few days ... "Chu Xi said nervously, whispering.

Her face was filled with the words fear of being rejected.

After listening to her, Jiang Zi agreed with ease.

"it is good."

"You promised?" Chu Xi opened her eyes in surprise.

Jiang Zixie agreed to her so easily, which made her very surprised ...

"You don't want me to go?" Jiang Zi asked her a questioningly after seeing her reaction so much.

Chu Xi quickly shook her head. "Of course I hope you go! Then ... see you tomorrow morning ..."

Then he got up in a hurry and trot away.

Jiang Zixie looked up and saw the back of her leaving in a hurry.

He leaned on the chair, his long forefinger dragging his chin, and a beautiful smile crossed his face.

Of course, he is more willing to travel closer with two troublesome younger brothers and the princess sick sister abroad.


As soon as Chu Xi left, Song Wenxin went into the restaurant with a smile.

Seeing her, Jiang Zixie quickly put away the smile on her face.

"How about, you promised her?" Song Wenxin looked at him expectantly.

Jiang Zixie glanced at her without answering, but bowed his head and took a sip of the tea that Chu Xi had just poured for him.

"Then I'll help you pack your luggage right away." Song Wenxin said with a smile, looking at Chu Xi's happy moment, she guessed the result.

Immediately after that, she rushed upstairs to help Jiang Zixie pack up the luggage for travel.

Because of this, classmate Jiang Zixie escaped the fate of traveling to the island with a fair and honest attitude.

As a result, Jiangbei cold endured.


Early the next morning, Song Wenxin and Jiang Beihan sent the three siblings downstairs.

The luggage has been packed.

The three siblings are in a good mood.

Jiang Xingnuan was pretty and pretty. Two brothers beside her helped her to hold an umbrella and a kettle, which was very considerate.

"Ziyan, Ziyi, take care of your sister." Song Wenxin reached out and patted the two brothers on the shoulders, then asked.

"Mom, don't worry, we must take good care of my sister." Zi Yi promised with a pat on the chest.

"I will take care of both of them." Ziyan also said with great responsibility.

Xing Nuan came over and hugged Song Wenxin, then hugged Jiangbeihan again.

"We are gone, you can happily live in the duo world." The girl said with some emotion.

When she first realized that her father loved her mother more than she loved her, she was still angry.

But then I gradually understood why ...

When she grows up, she will surely conquer a man who is more perfect than her father!

"You don't have to be aggrieved when you go out. If you dare to bully you, call me back, and I'll get over him right away!" Jiang Beihan reached out and touched his daughter's head, and asked.

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