After a brief visit, it was time to arrange the room.

Because of her back door with her father, Chu Xi's room was successfully arranged next to Jiang Zixie, and she was very satisfied with it.

When he came to the room, Chu Xi's first thing was to run to the balcony of the room and watch the scenery.

Standing on the balcony, you can see the mountain forest in the distance. Although it is winter, the green plants on the mountain are still lush and magical.

While she was intoxicated by the scenery, she unexpectedly discovered a surprise.

That is……

The balcony of her room is very close to the balcony of Jiang Zixie's room.

There is only a gap of less than one meter in the middle ...

However, there is no obstruction under the gap. If you fall down, the consequences are still serious.

However, this does not stop Chu Xi's curiosity.

She looked curiously at Jiang Zixie's balcony, but unfortunately she could see nothing.

Is he resting now?

He has been tired for a few hours. He should be tired too.

Is it already asleep?

Thinking, Chu Xi's mind suddenly appeared like Jiang Zixie sleeping.

Thinking of it, she had never seen him fall asleep.

So the curiosity in my heart got bigger and bigger.

By the time she responded, her hand had already reached the railing of the balcony, and she was about to crawl over.

Even herself was taken aback by herself.

Is she crazy ...

Want to crawl over and peek.

Chu Xi quickly withdrew her hands and feet, shook her head sharply, and looked down.

It's still quite high.


The way Jiang Zixie slept was also incredibly ... curious.

After a long ideological struggle, Chu Xi still decided to climb over and sneak a glance to ensure that only one glance, he immediately returned.

After making a happy decision, she reached up to the railing, raised her legs to climb up, and then jumped over ...


When her hands and feet just pasted the railing, a cold voice suddenly rang from the opposite side.

"Climb up if you want to die!"

"..." Chu Xi froze, and the whole person seemed to be settled, stiffened there.

She raised her head suddenly and looked towards the balcony next door, only to see that Jiang Zixie had arrived on the balcony and was staring at her.

Why did he come out ...

She thought he was sleeping.

"I want to stand a bit higher and see the scenery in the distance." Chu Xi was embarrassed, and barely found a reason for herself, trying to clear her suspicion ...

She was embarrassed to admit it because she wanted to crawl over and peep at him ...


Watching her try to lie, but the results were not good, Jiang Zixie could not help frowning.

"But it's okay, anyway, your brain is not good at all, and it's not a pity to be stingy again."

Hey ...

Upon hearing these two words, Chu Xi's body shrank back conditionedly, and she stood on the balcony honestly.

"Is the homework brought?" Just as she was scared by him, Jiang Zixie's voice sounded loudly.

"Homework? No ..." Chu Xi thought about it, then shook her head.

Who travels will bring homework.

"..." Jiang Zixie was staring at her, and her black eyes seemed to be unhappy.

"Because it's a tour, I didn't bring homework, what happened?" She looked at him doubtfully.

It was strange that he cared about her homework.

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