"If you don't want to be admitted to college, you don't have to do it." Facing her doubts, Jiang Zixie only gave such a sentence, then turned into the room, leaving Chu Xi alone in the wind ...

the University……

She just went to high school, she hasn't thought about that much ...

However, this seemed to be the first time he cared about her studies.

Is this also a concern?

Or was she so bad that she couldn't stand it?


Back in the room, Jiang Zixie's wrist watch sounded a beep.

He raised his hand to open it and saw a new mailbox.

This is the seventh email he has received in recent days.

These emails are invitations from different domestic and foreign universities.

He will receive more emails before school starts.

A few months ago, he was bored and took a complicated exam.

As soon as the test results came out, several well-known universities had already invited him.

As early as when he entered high school, he had promised his father. After half a semester, he would obey the arrangements for college and study group management.

But now he hesitated.


In the afternoon, after the break, Chu Xi and Jiang Zixie were called by the father to meet in the hotel lobby.

"That's it. The afternoon event is for everyone to explore the forest. However, although the forest has good scenery, it is also dangerous. You can quit if you don't want to go!"

The resort's guide eloquently spoke about the beautiful scenery in the forest.

The word expedition naturally made Chu Xi feel novel.

"You are blessed today. The weather forecast says that you can see meteors tonight, the forest is higher, and you will see more clearly!"


Upon hearing the sight of the meteor, Chu Xi was excited.

"I want to go!" She quickly raised her hand and said!

Watching meteors in the forest will be beautiful!

"If you want to go, just raise your hand, I will check it in, I will go back to the room and simply pack up the necessary supplies before I can go." The guide nodded and said.

Chu Xi's raised hand never stopped.

However, Jiang Zixie next to her did not intend to raise her hand. On the handsome face, she was clearly writing at this time, not interested!

"Aren't you going ..." Seeing that he didn't plan to go, Chu Xi suddenly lost a bit.

"Zi Xie, I think everyone's interest is very good. Since we are all here, we might as well go for fun." Chu Yansen naturally understood his daughter's mind, and then actively persuaded Jiang Zi Xie.


After seeing Chu Xi's father speak, Jiang Zixie glanced at Chu Xi before raising his hand and raising it.

Chu Xi looked at Dad gratefully.

Chu Yansen gave her one, look at his dad's bad expression.

Father and daughter are extremely happy ...


After half an hour.

The prepared crowd set off with the guide and headed for the forest.

The guide distributed the compass and tent and other materials. The two were in a group to take care of each other and set off.

Chu Yansen pushed his daughter to Jiang Zixie. "Zi Xie, we hope to take care of you." As soon as the words were finished, he ran to the company's vice president.

To be honest, he gave his daughter to Jiang Zixie, and he had nothing to worry about.

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