
Here, while Jiang Zixie was busy fixing the tent, he heard Chu Xi's own words of comfort come.

He stopped for a moment, and the next moment, his good-looking face couldn't help a little more funny expression.

"This is an artificial lake created by the resort in order to attract tourists." He said calmly and faintly, for her little knowledge of science.

This is not a naturally formed lake!

After listening to his words, Chu Xi's figure really froze ...

"How do you know ..." She turned around and looked at Jiang Zixie with an unbelieving look.

How did he know that the lake was artificial ... not written on the map.

"This resort is part of the JS Group." Jiang Zixie glanced at her before continuing his movements.


Chu Xi froze again ...

and so……

This resort is also Jiang's?

Chu Xi's brain suddenly couldn't make a turn, and the amount of information at once was inevitable for her.

Look at him, did you know that this lake is a personal lake?

"Then why don't you say it earlier!" Chu Xi looked helplessly at Jiang Zixie who was setting up a tent there.

Since he knew it early, why not say it earlier ...

So they don't have to take so many grievances to come here.

From childhood to big, Lu Chi is the first time she has taken so many roads, and all of them are mountain roads.

Her legs are already sore.

I was thinking that I could see the heart-shaped lake and the meteor, and it was worth it.

But who knows ... As soon as I came here, I found that the heart-shaped lake was originally a large pit without water, and this lake was still a personal lake.

"You didn't ask." Jiang Zixie said with a straight face, since she didn't ask, of course he wouldn't say.


Chu Xi has been hit to the point that she doesn't want to speak ...

She sighed and slumped on the ground.

"Come over and help!" Here, Jiang Zixie, who was half-squatting in front of the tent that had already been set up, raised her eyes and glanced at her direction, suddenly urging.

Hearing his urging voice, Chu Xi only responded, silently got up, and slowly walked back to this side.

After she came over, she found out that the tent was set up!

"Already alright?" Chu Xi was a little surprised, didn't he say to let her come to help?

"You're too slow!" Jiang Zixie glanced at her, and said disgustingly.

"Sorry ..." Chu Xi bowed her head and apologized habitually.

Because she walked too much today, her leg hurts a little, so she walked slowly ...


When Chu Xi saw the tent in front of her, she was a little surprised.

The tent is small and semi-automatic, but fixing requires skill and energy.

"You are so amazing, you'll get it done so soon!" Chu Xi praised Jiang Zixie without hesitation.

She looked at the tent in front of her happily, climbed in carefully, and looked around.

A small lamp is added inside, which looks like a small warm house, it feels warm ...


In the face of Chu Xi, who was so decadent in the previous second and easily converted to easy mode in the next second, Jiang Zi took a break because he was already used to it.


Sometimes habit is also the most terrible thing in the world ...

Thinking, on the handsome face, a complex look suddenly appeared.

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