
After visiting the tent that can be seen at a glance, Chu Xi finally realized an important issue.

"Is there only one tent?" Chu Xi suddenly got out of the tent, revealing his head, and looked at Jiang Zixie very much, asking.

When he came, because he was with his father, they did n’t think about it, and they could sleep with other women.

But now they are the only two of them ...

"What do you say?" Jiang Zixie turned her head and asked.

"..." Chu Xi froze and turned to look at the tent-packed backpack, which was now empty ...

and so……

The two of them, at night ... are they going to sleep together?

When thinking of this problem, Chu Xi was a little panicked ... but immediately followed, I didn't know why, and an inexplicable joy appeared ...

She flushed and covered her lips subconsciously, lest she couldn't stop laughing.

"That ... are we going to sleep together at night ..." After calming down, Chu Xi asked him aloud.

"If you don't want to, you can sleep outside!" Jiang Zixie glanced at her and said intentionally.

"I'm willing ... I didn't say no!" Upon hearing, Chu Xi quickly explained.

How could she be reluctant, she just wanted it ...

Looking at her with a happy face and saying yes, Jiang Zixie couldn't help but want to laugh ...

He coughed slightly and turned his face to reveal a smile ...

Two seconds later, he turned his head, looked at her, and asked her seriously.

"Do you know what is reserved?"

She is a girl!

"Know ..." Chu Xi replied weakly, ducking his head in embarrassment, and shuddered to speak again.

However, sometimes she just couldn't control her excitement.


The sun was setting, the sky was completely dark, and the surroundings were dark.

Only the tent remained, with warm yellow lights.

The temperature in the mountains is much lower than that in city A. The genius is dark, and a strong chill can be felt around.

Chu Xi took off her shoes, and the whole person retracted into the tent, only one head was exposed and looked outside.

"It's cold outside, do you want to come in too?" She blinked and looked at Jiang Zixie sitting outside the tent, asking a little worried.

Jiang Zixie only glanced at her and did not answer, but took out some cookies, bread and drinking water from her backpack and threw it to her.

"It's not cold anymore!"

"Oh ..." Chu Xi catches the things, nods, and eats them silently.

There were only them in the quiet forest.

She crouched in the tent, eating deliciously, and Jiang Zixie was sitting outside the tent, eating elegantly.

After eating, Jiang Zixie took out a telescope out of his backpack, placed it on his hand, and raised it, sometimes looking at the sky.

Curious, Chu Xi looked up at the sky.

The weather today is good. Many stars are shining in the sky.

The stars in the mountains are more clear and beautiful than the cities.

"Can that give me a glimpse ..." Seeing Jiang Zi resting on the telescope to see the stars, Chu Xi suddenly felt curious, so she couldn't help coming out of her voice.

Hearing that, Jiang Zixie glanced at her ...

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