He moved his lower lip, but instead of speaking, he raised his hand directly, threw the telescope to her, and turned into the tent.

Chu Xi took the telescope, happily made a few gestures in front of her eyes, and looked up at the sky.

The telescope has been adjusted, and you can clearly see the shining stars in the night sky.

"The stars here are so beautiful." Chu Xi could not help but sigh.

I always feel that such a night, such a picture ... very, beautiful.

"I just don't know when the meteor will come!" Chu Xi lowered his telescope, looked up at the sky, and said curiously.

When he came, the tour guide said that there would be a meteor shower tonight.

But did not say when did the meteor shower come ...

Since growing up, she has never seen a meteor shower.

It is said that when you see the meteor shower, quickly make a wish in your heart, so that the wish will come true.

So she looks forward to it now.

However, when she turned to look at Jiang Zixie, she found that he and Yi were lying beside her, ready to sleep.

Chu Xi looked at him in doubt.

"Don't you want to see a meteor?" She asked him curiously.

"Not interested." Jiang Zixie replied lightly.

Not interested in……

Chu Xi is not too surprised, after all, the genius world is not understandable by her mortals.

At least, so far, she hasn't seen Jiang Zixie interested in anything.

In this world, nothing seems to attract him.

But the more he did, the more she became curious, and the more she wanted to get close to him ... to figure him out.

At this time ...

There was a sudden noise in the dense forest ... I didn't know what was roaring.

Chu Xi was startled and looked at Jiang Zixie in horror.

"what sound……"

Jiang Zixie also noticed, on his good-looking face, at this time he was full of vigilant voices.

"Maybe a wolf." After a moment, he said calmly.


When she heard that she was a strange animal, Chu Xi was a little embarrassed.

"It's not winter now, how can there be wolves ..."

Doesn't it hibernate?

"Wolves don't hibernate." Jiang Zixie gave her a disgusting look and solved the doubts in her heart.

Chu Xi was silent for a moment, and was embarrassed to continue.

"So ... what to do ... it won't come over." After a while, she moved inwardly with some fear.

Shouldn't they be so unlucky ...

After finally coming out to play once, I met a wolf.

"The most serious consequence is to become its dinner." Compared to Chu Xi's fear and fear, Jiang Zixie said calmly.

"How can that be ..." As he said, Chu Xi's fear suddenly deepened. She quickly shook her head. "Our future is still far away, how can we let the wolf eat like this!"

Just when she was worried, Jiang Zixie suddenly got up and tried to get out of the tent.

Chu Xi was surprised again, and quickly reached out and grabbed his arm.

"What are you going to do!" She looked at him nervously. If there were wolves outside, how dangerous it would be to go out!

Jiang Zixie reached out and took her away, then took the backpack outside.

Opening the zipper, he found a Swiss knife from the backpack.

This knife was sent with the supplies when entering the forest!

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