The winter vacation period is only one month, and the New Year will be soon, and the school will start again after that. After that, she will start studying intensely.

After hearing what she said, Jiang Zi took a break and he almost forgot that she was just an ordinary person.

The progress of learning and the speed of learning things cannot be compared with him.

"Someone is flying a kite downstairs!" At this time, Chu Xi suddenly saw a kite flying high outside the balcony, and the whole person was immediately excited, trotting to the balcony and looking out.

On the lawn, there are a few children flying happily ...

The kite flies high ...

Want to come, she has not played kite for several years.

"Let's go flying the kite too!" Chu Xi turned her head and suddenly said to Jiang Zixie excitedly.

She also wants to play!

Hearing that, Jiang Zixie glanced outside, then looked at the pile of papers on the coffee table.

"Let me play for a day today, I will copy it all after I return, I promise!" Chu Xi reached out and promised, looking at him pleadingly!

"Okay!" Jiang Zixie hesitated for a moment, then nodded his chin.

As soon as he said yes, Chu Xi trot out happily ...

"..." Her speed made Jiang Zixie dumbfounded.

He frowned, slowly walking to the balcony and looking outside.

Kites playing on the lawn are all around ten years old ...

Thinking of this, Jiang Zixie shook his head gently.

She is still a child ...


Chu Xi went downstairs and went directly to the lawn.

After asking where to buy a kite-fed child, I went directly to the hotel store to buy a kite!

There are many types of kites, including butterflies, swallows, bat spiders, and various cartoon characters.

Chu Xi picked for a long time, and finally chose a kite of a butterfly and a bat, like a child, happily returned to the lawn!

As soon as he looked up, he saw Jiang Zixie standing on the balcony on the third floor and looking down.

Chu Xi quickly raised a kite and beckoned at him, "Jiang Xie, you can come down and play!"

Jiang Zixie turned his face blankly, as if to say that he didn't want to play with such naive things.

Chu Xi was not disappointed. Instead, she put the bat kite bought for Jiang Zixie aside, and happily took the big butterfly kite and mixed it with the children. She didn't feel embarrassed.

However, Chu Xi was in trouble as soon as he started flying a kite.

Because the wind direction has been unstable, she ran for a long time with the kite, and the kite failed to fly high.

Either it can't fly at all, or it just falls out two or three meters high.

However, a few children on the side still hung the kite, forming a sharp contrast with her who couldn't fly the kite for a long time.

When I was a kid, I used to fly the kite with my dad. Every time my dad helped her fly the kite high, and then gave her the kite's string.

Therefore, she did not master the skill of flying a kite.

After a few laps, Chu Xi was finally exhausted and simply sat on the lawn.

And looking over there, a few children's kites are flying higher and higher ... which makes Chu Xi feel a little nervous.

"Little sister, did you put the kite up yourself?" Chu Xi asked next to a little girl with two pigtails.

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