"Of course, we all did it by ourselves!" The little girl nodded and replied, then looked at the kite in Chu Xi's hand and said mockingly, "Why are you so stupid that you won't even play a kite!" "

"..." Chu Xi was planning to ask a little boy for the trick of flying a kite, but she was scorned by the unexpected!

Jiang Zixie despised her, even now, even such little girls despise her, she just feels sad ...


When Chu Xi was said to be a little embarrassed and was about to go back, the kite in her hand was suddenly taken by one hand.

She was startled, turned her head and looked at Bian Jiangzi Xie, who did not know when she appeared behind her!

"Hold the line, go over there!" Jiang Zixie took the butterfly kite, glanced at the string held in her hand, pointed her finger in one direction, and suddenly ordered her.

Chu Xi stumbled and realized what he meant. He trot over there.

"Stop!" When running a few meters away, Jiang Zixie's voice rang again!

Chu Xi stopped obediently and looked at him in doubt.

What is he doing!

Jiang Zixie looked up at the sky, then spoke, and said to her.

"I said start, you run forward and run the line while running, you know?"

Chu Xi nodded!

Jiang Zixie slowly raised the butterfly kite on his hand.


As soon as his voice sounded, he released the butterfly kite on his hand.

Chu Xi rushed forward ...

The kite flew up all of a sudden, and she hurriedly released the thread ...

Suddenly, the kite flew higher and higher, very smoothly!

It wasn't until the kite flew into the air that Chu Xi stopped.

Looking up at the kite in the sky, she smiled excitedly.

"Flying! Flying!"

Jiang Zixie stood in the distance, watching her excited look, shook her head, then slowly walked under the tree, sat down, took out a book, and slowly read it.

Quiet, he looked a little out of step with the people flying the kite.

"Jiang Zixie, you are amazing!" At this time, Chu Xi shouted his name loudly and praised!

She tried several times without trying the direction of the wind, and he immediately helped her get it done!

Although he helped her, but this time she put the kite on her own!

Jiang Zixie is really a genius!


Because Chu Xi bought a big kite and the line was long enough, the kite flew very steadily, so she kept putting the line ...

Finally, the height exceeded a few children aside!

Chu Xi is so happy!

"Little sister, your Snow White is flying too low!" Chu Xi glanced up at the Snow White kite that despised her little girl, saying proudly!

Although she knew it was naive, she was still very happy ...

"Hum, you wait, I'll buy a big one!" The little girl glared at her, then lost the kite string in her hand, turned and left.

"Go, I'll wait for you ~" Chu Xi waved at the other side ~

Well, her kite is already the largest and the longest line in the store!


Jiang Zixie aside watched this scene where Chu Xi bullied the child.



Not long after, the little girl who just ran away ran back with a small swallow kite and gave Chu Xi a proud look.

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