"This time I must be taller than you!" The little girl said angrily!

"Impossible, your dispute is as high as my most!" Chu Xi glanced at her kite and said to her kindly.

Their kite is the same size, so the length of the line is about the same, and the little girl is much shorter than her, maybe not as high as her kite!

Faced with Chu Xi ’s dismantling, the little girl did n’t bother, but ran to the distance with the kite and was ready to take off!

Chu Xi held the line and sat down, watching the girl curiously flying a kite.

But this time, she encountered the same problem as Chu Xi's at the beginning.

The kite can't fly!

The little girl was distressed. When she was upset, she saw that Chu Xi was staring at herself and stomped!

"Don't look at me, fly your kite!"

"Okay, I'm flying my kite ... I don't look at you!" Chu Xi smiled helplessly, and quickly looked back.

I was just trying to tease the little girl, but I didn't expect that the other party was still a bad temper!


The little girl fought with the kite for a long time, and she couldn't put it up. Finally, she was so angry that she dropped the kite on the ground!

"Shuya, what's wrong!" At this moment, a woman in a gray coat with a good figure walked over and looked gently at the little girl.

"Mom, this kite bullied me and stopped playing!" The little girl looked at the kite angrily and said unhappy.

"That's the way ..." The woman covered her lips with a smile, "It's okay, just ask Dad to come and help you put it on!"


Chu Xi, listening to the conversation between the mother and daughter, could not help laughing.

This little devil, no wonder it couldn't be put up this time. It turned out to be my dad's help!


After a while, a tall, handsome man with great temperament walked over to the lawn. Chu Xi was surprised that the parents of the little girl were so young that they seemed to be in their early twenties ...

Without saying a word, I took the kite in my daughter's hands, and no one needed to help me. I put the kite up three times, five times, and two, and did not drag the water!

At this speed, Chu Xi is quite convinced!

But let


"Well, aren't you angry now?" The man asked the line to his daughter.

The little girl named Shu Ya nodded, took the kite happily, and slowly released the line ...

Seeing her daughter's frustration finally, the couple left.


At last, the line on the little girl's hand was finished, and the kite was not higher than Chu Xi, but it was a bit short ...

The little girl looked at her little swallow, and then looked at Chu Xi's little swallow, her face changed, and some couldn't believe the reality!

Looking at the little girl's expression, Chu Xi was afraid she would cry in the next second, so she hurriedly proposed.

"Well, little sister, I'd better change it with you."

Although they are all the same kite, there will inevitably be some differences in the length of the line.

"No, I have my own way!" The little girl glanced at Chu Xi, then turned her face away, and then looked not far away, at the couple who were crooked on the bench!



The husband and wife seemed to be chatting vigorously and did not notice her.

The little girl was angry, this time she even shouted out with her name!

"Beichen Shaoting!"

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