Finally, after copying a few papers, Chu Xi could not help but knocked on the door next door.

After knocking a few times, the door was opened.

Jiang Zixie, wearing simple white T and light gray loose shorts, was holding a towel to wipe his hair and holding the doorknob in one hand.

Looking at Chu Xi in the pajamas outside the door, he couldn't help but look at her.

"Come in." Leaving such a sentence, he turned into the room.

Chu Xi froze, stopped at the door, glanced left and right, and then followed with a chuckle and closed the door.

"What's the matter." Jiang Zixie wiped her short hair, then threw the towel away and turned to look at her.

His hair was still a little wet ... The white t-shirt on his body was also wet a few times.

"That ... I suddenly thought of a problem ..." Chu Xi silently moved two steps towards him, then opened his mouth.

Jiang Zixie looked at her seriously and listened to her problems.

"I look like ... I don't have your email address yet ..."

Jiang Zixie didn't seem to like answering the phone, so she was afraid of disturbing him and didn't dare to call him at will.

But if you have an email, it's much more convenient ...

"So what." Looking at her secretly, although Jiang Zixie had already guessed her intentions, he did not poke, but waited for her to speak.

"Could you ... give me the e-mail address." Chu Xi stared directly at him, begging.

"Bring your mobile phone!" Facing her request, Jiang Zixie suddenly raised her hand and asked her for a mobile phone.

Chuxiton paused, then quickly took the phone out of her pajama's pocket and handed it to her.

Jiang Zixie opened the mobile phone, tapped the knuckles on the screen, and returned it to her.

"All right."

Chu Xi took the cell phone. At a glance, his e-mail address had been stored, and his face immediately showed a bright smile.

"Then I'm back, good night!" She waved at him, then trot out of his room, returned to her room, and went to his email address ...


The next day, the winter vacation tour officially ended.

A few days after returning to City A, Chu Xi was still a little bit fluttering, as if she had not completely returned to reality.

This winter vacation, she has worked harder than ever. I bought many books in the bookstore and immersed myself in the ocean of books. Except for the few days of the Chinese New Year, she worked hard for the goals of Z University. .

Although he was going to Jiang Zixie's mailbox, he didn't know how to talk to him, so he didn't send him an email until the beginning of school.


However, because of Chu Xi's recent efforts, one person was upset.

This person is not someone else, it is Chu Xi's father, Chu Yansen.

A daughter who was not particularly interested in learning in the past, suddenly he was so distressed to study so seriously that he was very distressed, but what the daughter decided was not good for him, and he could only let Chu Xi himself.



Mid-level villa.

In the study, Jiang Zixie was sitting at his desk facing the sun, and the sun was a little dazzling.

On the table was an enrollment form for the university in Z city. He looked at the path not far from the window and suddenly was a bit distracted.

"Zi Xie, your luggage has been packed for you." At this time, the door was opened, Song Wenxin came in and said softly.

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