But she couldn't help but want to tell him the news immediately!

She looked at him expectantly, waiting for his expression.


Jiang Zixie didn't seem to think anything was wrong, just a slight hum.

Chu Xi leaned a little bit against the window glass.

It seemed that she saw her loss, and Jiang Zixie thought of something, adding another sentence.


Although it was only a three-word compliment, Chu Xi immediately returned blood, and his face was immediately filled with smiles.

"How do you know I'm here?" Jiang Zixie stared at her for a few seconds, and then suddenly asked.

He had clearly instructed him to let him | Mom don't tell her that he was in Z City University, for fear of affecting her studies.

But unexpectedly, she suddenly appeared here.

"Xing Nuan said ..." Chu Xi said honestly.

"..." It turned out to be his wayward sister ...

Xing Nuan has been accustomed to willfulness since he was a child, and no one is afraid of it.

Even his elder brother couldn't help her.

Chu Xi wanted to ask him if she was admitted to Z University at first because she wanted to be with her in a university.

But when I thought about it carefully, I was afraid that I would be affectionate, so I didn't feel embarrassed to ask.

"Hungry, not hungry." Just as she was in the middle of a tangle, Jiang Zixie's voice rang again.

Counting the time, she should have had no time for dinner.

"It's a bit ..." Chu Xi realized that he was really hungry.

She didn't eat much on the plane. Later, she came to Z city and ran all the way. After listening to the horror of the hotel waiter in the hotel, she had forgotten the hungry.

After listening to her words, Jiang Zixie didn't say anything, but directly picked up the apartment's desk phone and pressed a key.

"Give me a piece of beef noodles, don't put onions." He said slightly to the end of the phone, and then hung up.

"How do you know that I want to eat beef noodles ..." Chu Xi looked at him a bit stupidly, and he didn't even ask her what she wanted to eat, so she helped her order ...

I ordered exactly what she wanted to eat, and ... I knew she didn't like to eat green onions.

"Guess." Jiang Zixie turned away unnaturally, pretending to be indifferent.

Although from the beginning, he didn't want to know her preferences ...

However, after getting more annoyed by her, she gradually learned about her favorite food and her preference for green onions.

"..." Chu Xi looked at him in confusion, guessing?

But ... she was often invited by Aunt Wen Xin to the Jiang family, and he would know that it was normal.

But what surprised her was that he would care.

She thought ... he never cared about her, even if it was just a little bit.


After less than twenty minutes, the delivery staff rang the doorbell.

Jiang Zixie walked over to open the door, and the waiter appeared at the door with beef noodles.

"Give me." Jiang Zixie glanced at each other, then stretched out his hand.

"Okay." The other party nodded and gave him the tray. Jiang Zixie took the things and turned back to put the beef noodles and the tray on the table together.

"What is this takeaway, so fast ..." Chu Xi was somewhat surprised at the speed of the takeaway meal delivery, and the tableware for beef noodles was not a one-time tableware, but a large bowl of beef noodles.

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