"The apartment has a special restaurant." Facing her doubts, Jiang Zi replied calmly.

Because it is a hotel apartment, all management and facilities are similar to the hotel.

"Oh ..." Chu Xi nodded, then sat down obediently and happily ate beef noodles.

The taste of beef noodles was not bad and very fragrant, which immediately aroused Chu Xi's appetite.


Taking advantage of the gap between her noodles, Jiang Zixie made time to take off her coat and went to the bathroom.

When Chu Xi called, he was planning to take a bath.

After a while, the shower sound was heard in the bathroom.

Chu Xi, who was eating noodles, held her chopsticks and tightened.

I don't know why, when she thought of Jiang Zi resting in the bath, her heart was inexplicably tense.

Gradually, I think the beef noodles I like in front of me seem to have no appetite.

Just as she was wandering, the bathroom door suddenly opened.

Chuxiton paused, and then continued to lower her head to eat noodles, but her face became a little red.

Jiang Zixie put on a clean white short-sleeved t-shirt, and loose casual trousers came out, holding a towel in one hand and wiping his hair at will.

Chu Xi raised her eyes quietly and glanced at Jiang Zixie.

He found that he was staring at her too.

"It's hot?" Jiang Zixie asked, frowning at her face turning red.

Is the heating too large?

"No ... it was a bit hot at the beginning of the noodles." Chu Xi smiled awkwardly, and found a reason to explain.

"I'm full." Because Chuxi was running for a long time today, Chu Xi's body was a bit unsuitable. After eating half a bowl of beef noodles, she couldn't eat and put down the chopsticks.

Jiang Zixie glanced down and glanced at the remaining half of the bowl of beef noodles in the bowl.

Just eat so little?

"It is shameful to waste food." His tone suddenly became a little serious, like the tone of the elders reprimanding the younger ...

Upon hearing his words, Chu Xi stumbled and looked down at the rest of the bowl.

Waste ... shameful ...

It sounds serious.

After thinking about it, she picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat.

It wasn't until all the noodles were eaten and the soup drank, she put down her chopsticks again, reached out and touched her full belly.

"It's shameful now ..."

"Um." Jiang Zi rested his chin, and her obedient appearance made him inexplicably tickle ...

He uncomfortably threw the towel away and turned to turn the air conditioner down a bit.

"Now that you're full, get ready to rest. It's getting late."

He looked at the time and said.

Upon hearing Jiang Zixie's words, Chu Xi froze, and then looked around.

There seems to be only one room in the apartment ...

"Tonight, where do I sleep ..." She could not help raising her head and asked him carefully.

"There is only one bed." Jiang Zixie raised his eyelids and answered very calmly.

As if I didn't feel that there was something wrong with the two sleeping together.

There is only one bed ...

Upon hearing these words, Chu Xi's face became hotter.

Are they going to sleep together?

She wasn't afraid of how Jiang Zixie treated her. She was afraid she would not be able to control her, and she would hate to do anything shameful.

"It's not good ... I'd better go to a hotel."

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