Seeing each other's enthusiasm, Chu Xi suddenly relaxed.

"Is Jiang Zixue very popular in your school ..." She bit her lip and asked a little whisperingly.

Although I feel that this sentence is nonsense ...

Because in high school, Jiang Zixie was already very popular.

But ... she still wanted to know.

"This is of course. Zi Xie stays in our school, but it's notorious for being famous ... it's no exaggeration to talk to a bunch of girls behind me every day. You can check it out in our school forum The posts are related to him. "The boy said, sighing.

The popularity of Jiang Zixie made many boys in the school jealous.

Just because he was close to Jiang Zixie, now girls often talk to him, but they all want Jiang Zixie's contact information.

After hearing what he said, Chu Xi was not surprised at all, but his heart was still uncomfortable.

Suddenly I was hoping to come to the University of Z City immediately, but she still had to wait half a year ...

Thinking of this, Chu Xi felt even more upset.

Suddenly, there was nothing to eat.

Seems to see Chu Xi's emotions, Yang Qin smiled, and then comforted her. "But you don't have to worry about it. Zi Xie usually keeps a distance from the girls. I'm absolutely sorry."

"Cough ..." At this time ... Jiang Zixie suddenly coughed and interrupted the other party.

"Zixie, what's wrong with you? Isn't your throat uncomfortable?" Yang Qin glanced at Jiang Zixie and asked immediately.

"No." Jiang Zixie glanced at him lightly, took a cup of tea and took a sip of water.

Looking at his eyes, Yang Qin suddenly remembered something.

When he came, Zixie texted him to explain one thing.

He almost forgot his business!

"Yes, there are several people in our department who like Zixie very much. You should have seen Zhu Fei today." Yang Qin turned the words and suddenly brought the topic to the girl named Zhu Fei .

"Zhu Fei?" Chu Xi was a little puzzled after hearing the other party's words.

"Yes, that's the one ... who likes wearing high heels and curling his hair ..." Yang Qin said jokingly.

"..." Chu Xi hesitated, and then he came over. Isn't the Zhu Fei he said was the one ... Jiangzi Xiepazi.

She also saw it, and she seemed to like him when she talked to Jiang Zixie.

Chuxi suddenly felt the pressure ...

Suddenly I wanted to cover up Jiang Zixie's face so that so many girls could not see it, and people were remembered ...

Unfortunately, Jiang Zixie is not her ...

"Last week, Zhu Fei also confessed to Zi Xie, but it was rejected by Zi Xie. The crying was ugly ... I couldn't watch it anymore, but I wiped her tears off Zi Xie's tears. Wouldn't mind ... "Yang Qin said, suddenly a little embarrassed.

Everyone was there at the time. Zhu Fei's high-profile confession was rejected by the quilt to the merciless. Then he cried ...

Zi Xie was too indifferent. He couldn't stand it, so out of good consolation, he took the Zan Zi aside and wiped her tears.

I thought Zhu Fei was also very good. It was a flower, so Zi Xie simply accepted her. Anyway, if you don't like it, you can break up at any time ...

However, what he didn't expect was that Zi Xie already had a fiancee.

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