Seeing her coming out, trying to cover the red marks on her face, Jiang Zixie couldn't help but gently scratch her lower lip.

"My eyes weren't blind along the way," he reminded her.

He had already seen the red marks on her face.

So ... however she covers it now, it doesn't help.

Chu Xi also understood the reason he said.

But at this time, my heart was selfish and didn't want him to see her now.

She lowered her head and walked to the living room. On the dining table, there were medicines and water she wanted to take ...


Seeing her care, Jiang Zixie did not pass, but instead turned to the desk in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, turned on the computer, and did something at will ...


Seeing him go to the other side, Chu Xi loosened his sweater collar and started taking medicine.

After taking the medicine, Chu Xi sneaked into Jiang Zixie's room, closed the door, and dared not come out again.

Looking at her series of actions, Jiang Zixie couldn't understand ...

From an early age, she was ugly in front of him, making him a man with a good memory, unable to remember the number of times.

She had never cared about it before, but now she cares so much about allergies.

Thinking about her appearance just now is quite interesting ...


Chu Xi hid in Jiang Zixie's room for almost an afternoon.

The red mark on my body faded a lot because of the medicine and the injection.

Although it wasn't completely good, it didn't look so scary at first, so I dared to leave the room.

But because of allergies, she will be insulated from seafood in the future.

It's a pity to think so ...


When Chu Xi went to the living room, Jiang Zixie was tinkering with something on the computer.

Seeing her come out, she looked at her with care.

"Give me your ID," he continued.

ID card?

When he heard that he wanted his ID card, Chu Xi didn't think much, but ran to his bag to take out his ID card and gave it to him in peace.

In the world, in addition to her father, Zi Xie and Aunt Wenxin are the most reassuring people.

Jiang Zixie took the ID card in her hand, glanced at the ID number above, but frowned.

"The ID number is correct."

"What?" Chu Xi leaned over in confusion and looked at the computer screen.

He was booking a flight ... she was subconsciously surprised that he was going to take her away.

But after deciding when he booked his ticket, he was relieved.

He booked a ticket back to city A the day after tomorrow.

It's New Year's Eve in another week. It seems that Jiang Zixie's business is all over. They should go back to city A ...


The ticket booking page on the computer screen has entered her ID number, but it shows that the certificate is invalid ...

She checked it carefully, and the certificate number was indeed correct.

"What's going on ... Is there a problem with the booking page?" Chu Xi asked in confusion.

How could her ID be invalid.

"It's not clear yet." Jiang Zi paused, and then entered his ID number ... but it showed that the booking was successful.

His ticket was successfully booked, so it's not a website issue.

"How could this be? I didn't have any problems when I came." Chu Xi looked puzzled ...

What went wrong with her credentials ...

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