
Chu Xi stumbled.

Keep up with him ...

No doubt she has been trying to follow, trying to get closer to him.

She also knows that what she likes is a genius ... so the pressure in the future will definitely be greater.

She has to work hard to make herself better for him.

"Oh ..." After a long time, she nodded and agreed obediently.

She will work hard ...

Isn't it big Z?

"Study well in the future, and don't mess with strange male students." After seeing her obediently agreeing, Jiang Zixie then ordered.

"How can I mess up with a strange male student ..." As he said, Chu Xi immediately grumbled.

She has been studying hard all the time ... How can she be confused with any strange male student ...

It was just ... while talking, she suddenly thought of a very important thing.

"Then do you like me now?"

Before her mind was too chaotic, her thoughts were unclear, and she only thought of her girlfriend.

Ignored whether he liked her.

Now that he has kissed her, does that mean that he, like her, likes her too?

Facing her question, Jiang Zixie didn't answer, but suddenly turned around and left in stride.

"Do you want to visit it? It's not early."

Seeing this, Chu Xi quickly followed, and pursued unswervingly.

"Jiang Zixie, do you like me, right? Right?" When she thought of it, she was so excited that she couldn't control herself!


"Why don't you talk. You must like me?"

If he doesn't like her, he won't kiss her!


"How can you do this ..."


"Just answer me ..."


No matter what Chu Xi asked, he didn't mean to answer her.

In the end, she had to give up.

Although I am still unwilling ...

Although there were many conjectures in her heart, she still had to hear him admit it in order to be at ease.

However, he did not answer her question at all.

"Jiang Zixie ..." Chu Xi stopped, her voice frustrated.

At this time, Jiang Zixie's footsteps also stopped, and his voice followed.

"After being admitted to Z University, I will tell you the answer."

"..." Chu Xi was speechless ...

Become a girlfriend after being admitted to Z University, and tell her the answer after being admitted to Z University.

Why should everything be linked to the Z exam ...

No way, who told her she liked such a genius.

Jiang Zixie's sentence was admitted to Z Big, and Chu Xi calmed down. He didn't ask any more, but followed him silently.

On the large campus, there were only two people walking on the lawn.

At the foot, there was a soft lawn, because the sound of rustling came from the footsteps of the two ...

"This is an indoor basketball court. I sometimes play here." Jiang Zixie took Chu Xi and went all the way to the entrance of a school building and suddenly introduced her.

Chu Xi looked up and looked ...

The light is very dim, only outside the campus, a little bit of street lighting.

So it wasn't clear what she saw, but she opened her eyes wide and wanted to write down what the basketball court looked like.

In another half year, she can also come here as his girlfriend, watch him play, and cheer for him ...

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