Chu Xi shook her head, then looked up at him with a smile and smiled, "Before I become your girlfriend, you must not associate with other girls."

"..." Jiang Zixie frowned, thinking too much in her small head.

"Okay!" Chu Xi couldn't help asking after seeing him not answer.

"It's getting late, we should go." Jiang Zixie looked up at the time and said.

Unconsciously, the two stayed on campus for two hours ...

"..." Seeing that he didn't answer his question, Chu Xi shrugged a little disappointed.

But overall, she had a great time tonight.

Because she has always suspected her childish Jiang Zixie genius, she sneaked up with her to climb the railing into the school today, and took her to visit Z University!

Not only that, he also gave her a promise, and promised to be a girlfriend when he was Z, plus a kiss ...

So, tonight, Chu Xi is unforgettable.

For the first time, I felt that the distance between her and Jiang Zixie could be so close.


Early the next morning, Jiang Zixie took Chu Xi out again and went directly to the airport.

Tomorrow will return to City A, but Chu Xi's ID card cannot be booked!

However, after arriving at the airport, the airport staff could not give an explanation.

It only said that her ID was invalid.

"Why ... I was fine when I came." Chu Xi was surprised, how could her ID card be invalid.

She only came here the day before yesterday, and her ID card expired last night ... how could it be so coincidental.

"We don't know this either, but your ID card is indeed invalid and you cannot book a flight."

"Is it wrong ..."

While Chu Xi was still confirming with the staff, Jiang Zixie stared at her ID for a while, as if she already knew something.

"Don't ask, let's go back."

He almost knew who the ghost was!

In this world, someone with this ability and this boring interest, except for his mother Song Wenxin, probably can't find a second person.

"But if I can't book a ticket, then I can't go back with you ..." Chu Xi turned her head and looked at Jiang Zixie with a sad look.

Jiang Zixie's ticket has been booked ... but her ID is invalid.

Looking at her sadness, Jiang Zi rested for a moment, and after a moment ... He sighed softly and walked to the service desk with his ID card.

"Please help me refund my ticket."

His mother was just right, he would not leave Chu Xi alone, so he would do it.

Thinking about it this way, the feeling of being calculated by your own mother is really a bit uncomfortable ...


"Are you staying with me?" Chu Xi was surprised to see him refund his ticket ...

Is he planning not to return to City A for the time being?

"What do you say?" Jiang Zixie retrieved the documents into his wallet, raised her eyebrows and asked her a question.

Chu Xi smiled and was happy, but felt embarrassed about him.

"But will it delay you ..."

He could have gone back to accompany his family earlier, but because of her reasons, he could not leave for a while.

And she didn't know when the issue of identity card could be resolved.

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