"Yes, I just reported your situation to the young master. He asked you to go back to rest!" The bodyguard nodded.

It was her brother ...

"I won't go back!" She thought about it, and then refused.

She doesn't want to go back now!

"But ..." The bodyguard was a little surprised to hear she couldn't go back.

I remember when she came, she didn't want to come ...

Now there was a chance to let her go back, but she refused.

"I'm fine, it's just a little cold, it's fine tomorrow. Don't go back!" She added, "Just tell my elder brother, the scenery here is pretty good, I just stay here to recuperate."

Although at the beginning, she did not want to participate in such group activities.

But now she changed her mind and wanted to stay.

Because ... she found something fun ...

"All right." After listening to her say, the ice cube nodded. "Then I'll write back right away!"



After drinking the medicine, Jiang Xingnuan's head became a little dizzy. After a deep sleep, he went directly to the next morning.

After waking up, the fever subsided, but she had a cough.

Suddenly Jiang Xingnuan's illness spread.

The class teacher and teacher accompanying her this time also came to visit her.

"Xing Nuan, since you are not feeling well, you don't need to participate in the activities in the past few days. Just rest in the room and rest assured." The class teacher smiled and said to her gently.

"What activity?" Jiang Xingnuan asked with interest when he heard that the teacher had an activity.

The teacher was also a little surprised.

Jiang Xingnuan, who usually hates collective activities, now asks him actively.

"It's like this. In order to promote the enthusiasm of the students in the third grade, the school has activities in the afternoon these days, there are tea picking in the mountains, treasure hunting in small towns, and activities of learning ancient culture." The class teacher then introduced them one by one.

"Does the high school senior also participate?" Just after the class teacher's voice dropped, Jiang Xingnun asked a question.

"Well, everyone who comes will participate!" The head teacher nodded.

When the teacher said this, Jiang Xingnuan couldn't wait to ask.

"When will the event start this afternoon?"

"A little more than half an hour!"

"I want to participate too!" Jiang Xingnon said, and lifted the quilt!

The teacher looked at her with astonishment ... almost thought she heard it wrong.

Did the sun come out today?

Jiang Xingnun took the initiative to participate in collective activities?


It rained for a day yesterday, and the weather in the ancient town today is still a little gloomy and a little cool.

A high school classmates gathered in the main square of the ancient town, waiting to participate in today's game!

The teachers are busy preparing, the students are whispering and talking about today's activities.

"Jiang Xing Nuan is here!" Suddenly a voice said in surprise.

Then everyone turned around and looked.

I saw Jiang Xingnuan walking slowly along with his bodyguards.

Everyone was surprised to see her appear.

"Isn't she ill, why did she come back?"

"It's estimated to be lively!" Jiang Xingnuan has never participated in school activities. Because of his privileges, even the sports meeting organized by the school has never participated.

"Singer Xing Nuan, shouldn't you be resting, why are you here?" The busy principal was shocked to see Jiang Xing Nuan coming.

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