Upon hearing this, Jiang Xingnuan's mind immediately raised the idea of ​​getting off the bus!

"No, I'm fine at school alone ..."

That's enough ...

They even want to accompany her to school?

Still think she's not high-profile in school?

"No, things in the ancient town haven't been found out, and everything can be dangerous!" Jiang Ziyan, who was more mature, said with confidence.

"I'm fine. What can be done in the school! And so many bodyguards are there, and those people don't dare to mess around!" Jiang Xingrong explained quickly.

"Sister, don't you like me anymore?" Jiang Ziyi seemed a little unhappy to see her keep rejecting ...

With an injured expression on his face, he looked at Jiang Xingnuan.


I have to say that the second brother really inherited his father's cool and handsome face, but he always made such a cute expression.

"Okay, then you can go with me!" Jiang Xingnan shook his head helplessly and had to sit down in his seat.

Seeing this, Jiang Ziyi smiled with satisfaction.

"Let's drive!"




Half an hour later, Jiang Xingnun appeared on the school gate on time.

Followed by two tall and handsome men, and a group of bodyguards, very striking.

Early in the morning, the Jiang family sent someone to strengthen the security in the school, so the bodyguards did not follow her into the school.

But the two brothers followed ...

Along the way, many people's eyes are looking at this ...

Many of them are watching the two older brothers behind Jiang Xing.

"Sister, a lot of people are watching me. Is your brother or me particularly attractive?" Jiang Ziyi was in a good mood all the way, watching the girl staring at him, very satisfied.


Jiang Xingnuan didn't notice the second brother's words at all, but stopped his eyes not far away.

The figure of a boy appeared in her sight.

That man was Shen Ye, holding a book, and was slowly walking towards the teaching building!

Seeing him again, Jiang Xingnuan's inexplicable rejoicing in his heart stopped, and his eyes kept looking at him.

The approaching Shen Ye realized her gaze and looked up at her ...

However, without saying anything, he turned away and left ...

"..." Jiang Xing kept warm, his face suddenly sinking ...

In my heart, I don't know why, empty.

"Xing Nuan, why don't you leave?" Seeing her stop, the elder brother Jiang Ziyan asked with some confusion.

Jiang Xing'an shook his head, turned around, and looked at the two.

"Second Brother and Third Brother, you can play by yourself. I'm going to the classroom for lessons. You will disturb me if you follow me later." If they follow up in the classroom, then the class will not be able to attend.

"Okay, let's go around." Jiang Ziyan nodded.

Jiang Xingnuan received the schoolbag from the third brother, and then turned to follow the teaching building.


When Jiang Xing warmed into the classroom, there was no class yet, the students were lazy, chatting and chatting ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ reading ...

Seeing her come in, everyone looked surprised.

"Xing Nuan, are you okay, why don't you take a good rest at home?" The **** the side gathered over and asked with concern.

Everyone thought that after the incident in Guzhen, she should not come to school for a while.

But she didn't expect that she appeared like this, and came early.

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