After listening to the detailed process, Shen Ye couldn't help but clenched his fist and put it on his lips, showing a smile.

It seems that she would be happy for herself, and ...

This bad old man sounds so mean!

"Is there anything unusual about her?" The smile on his face faded, and he asked the people around him.

"No ... After the fight with the master, Miss Jiang seemed particularly happy, and her body seemed to be recovering."

"Well, I know, you go down!" Wen Yan, Shen Ye waved his hands, then strode into the villa and walked towards Jiang Xing's warm room!


And in the bedroom!

The servants added a dining table to the bedroom, and Jiang Xingnon was sitting at the table at this time, preparing to have dinner.

However, in the face of a table of dishes, Jiang Xingnuan is still picky.

"I don't want to eat these things!"

"Then what do you want to eat ..." the helper asked helplessly.

"Give me a bar!" Jiang Xingnon said, biting his chopsticks.

She wants to drink now!

"But you haven't got a cold right now and can't drink!" The servant reminded softly.

"Then I won't eat it!" Jiang Xingnon lowered his chopsticks and said boringly.

Not drinking for a day ... she was all sick.

At this moment, the bedroom door was gently pushed open.

The maid turned her head and saw that Shen Ye was wearing a business suit and Shen Ye, who was returning from outside, was walking towards the inside.


Shen Ye walked directly to the table!

I glanced at the boring Jiang Xingnuan at this moment.

"Give me those dishes!" He turned to the servant.

When the servant was nodding to promise, Jiang Xing'an's voice suddenly sounded.

"I don't want to eat with you!" In the voice, she did not hide her dislike for him!

Today he did not lie to her to give her an injection. The spot on her arm was swollen, and now it hurts!

Shen Ye waved his hand and motioned for the servant to go down and get the tableware.

The maid nodded and turned away.

"This meal is not appetizing again?" Shen Ye glanced at the rich dishes on the table and asked her.

"Your meal here is too bad!" Jiang Xingnun whispered casually, not even serving wine!

"Tomorrow there will be a new team of chefs to choose by yourself!" Shen Ye went on to say that he had asked the chef team of Shen's largest hotel to come over!

Although he knew she was deliberately provoking, he still tried to satisfy her!

"I want to drink!" Jiang Xingnon gave him a glance before saying unhappy.

"No." Shen Ye frowned slightly and refused decisively!

She just got an injection!

Jiang Xing gave him a warm white look, and when he was about to say something, the servant of the bowl of chopsticks returned.

The maid set up the chopsticks and cooked Shen Yesheng directly.

Shen Ye was busy all day, and she was really hungry.

After glancing at her, he picked up the chopsticks and ate directly.

Moreover, the food is quite fragrant!

Looking at the fragrant food he eats, and the aroma of the food drifting over and over, Jiang Xingnian's long hungry stomach cried out.

To cover up her embarrassment, she coughed deliberately, trying to cover up the sound of her belly.

"You go down!" Shen Ye stopped the chopsticks on his hand, turned his head and glanced at the servant, and suddenly ordered.

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