The expression on her face became choked.

He stopped her ...

Is it because she hates her?

Did she hate her because of her attitude towards him these days?

"You do not want it?"

She gritted her teeth and looked at him.

The beautiful face with pride in the past looked at him with grievance and anxiety.


Shen Ye's eyes locked her face tightly, and did not answer her question, but eager to determine another thing.

"Are you leaving?"

He looked at her and asked intently.

"I won't leave unless you drive me away!" Jiang Xingnan shook his head quickly.

Even if he drives her away, she doesn't want to leave anymore!

Listening to her answer, he paused for a while.

The grey eyes had a complex look.

"Since it was decided, there is no room for regret." He solemnly reminded her.

Since she chose to stay, then ... he would never let her go.

He decided to send her away before, he has made a great deal of determination!

This determination ... will never be in this life!

He only allowed her to leave once!

If he misses it, he won't be willing anymore!

and so!

He hopes that she can think carefully!

"I don't regret it!" Facing his reminder, Jiang Xingnuan didn't care and said decisively.

After listening to her answer, Shen Ye's face showed joy that could no longer be controlled.

"it is good!"

As the words fell, he suddenly put her hand on his waist and took it away.

Jiang Xing warmed for a moment ...

Immediately afterwards, he rolled over stupidly and pressed her underneath.

"This kind of thing, let the man come!" When she stumbled, he lowered his head, attached it to her ear, and said in a somewhat husky voice.

Jiang Xingnun smiled, then nodded in cooperation, stretched out his hands and hooked his neck, and kissed his head up!


Late at night ...

It began to snow outside, little snowflakes at the beginning, and then gradually ... turned into snow like a goose feather.

At dawn, it was already white.



Jiang Xing's warm nest slept soundly in a warm quilt.

In his sleep, he still held Shen Ye's arm and refused to let go.

Occasionally, a few stupid things would pop out of his mouth.

Shen Ye stared at her sleeping face and watched her for a morning, but she didn't get bored with it.

Even if she was scolded by a fool in her dream, he felt very interesting.

Just as he watched her sound asleep, the phone on the bedside table suddenly rang.

The sudden ringing of the phone made his eyebrows frown sharply, then quickly extended his long arm to pick up the phone.

"Master, it's not early now, when are you and Miss Jiang ... when will you have breakfast?" On the other side of the phone, the voice of a maid came.

Shen Ye didn't answer the other person's words, but lowered her eyes and looked at the person in her arms.

Instead of being awakened by this, she slept heavily.

He turned to glance at the time on the clock, without knowing it, it was more than ten o'clock.

But she didn't seem to be waking up at all.

Is your body uncomfortable?

Her cold is not completely good yet!

"I see, I'll be late." He looked away, said something to the phone, and then hung up.

After hanging up the phone, he reached out his hand subconsciously and touched her forehead to test her temperature.

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