
However, Jiang Beihan took Jiang Beicheng directly as air and ignored him.

Seeing this, Jiang Beicheng had nothing to say, but sat down in a chair beside him.

The atmosphere outside the operating room is very dignified ...

The air here is out of breath!

Zhou Yiheng sighed, walked towards Jiangbeihan, raised his hand and patted his shoulder.

"If you want to cry, just cry, no one will make fun of you, don't always hold back! You can rest assured that I will never tell Song Wenxin what it looks like when you cry!" Zhou Yiheng deliberately relaxed with one He said to him.

At this time, Jiang Beihan did not look at him, and still regarded him as air!

"Well ... tearing in your heart is another way!" Zhou Yiheng shrugged, jokingly.

But I couldn't help smiling bitterly. If it was usual, Jiang Beihan would yell and let him roll away!

Looking at Jiang Beihan at this time, Zhou Yiheng was a bit worried!

After so many years, he finally managed to wait for the woman who could make him have a normal mood and smile.

In any case, Zhou Yiheng also hopes that Song Wenxin will be fine this time!

Otherwise, this hit Jiangbeihan too much ...

It is almost unnecessary to think that if Song Wenxin really happens, he will be crushed!

It didn't take long for Zhou Yiheng's voice to fall, but the door of the operating room was opened at this time.

The doctor came out of it!

"Where is Song Wenxin ?!" Jiang Beihan forgot his injured leg instantly and rushed forward, but he suddenly fell because of the pain in his leg because he suddenly got up!

Fortunately, Shangguan on the side helped him in time!

"Mrs. Jiang is fine!" The doctor took off his mask and sighed deeply.

"Child ..." When the doctor planned to say the next sentence, Jiang Beihan had already got rid of Shangguan and rushed into the operating room!



The dose of anesthetic on the body slowly passed, and pain in the body followed.

Song Wenxin was awakened by the pain coming from the abdomen!

She was lying there quietly on the hospital bed, her face pale, and blood transfusion was on her wrist ...

She raised her eyebrows, then slowly opened her eyes, her eyes a little confused.

After seeing her waking up, Jiang Beihan, who had always been calm, had a look of joy on her face.

She woke up?


Just then, her hand on her side was suddenly tightly held by a somewhat cool big palm!

"Song Wenxin?" Jiang Beihan called her name.

Hearing his voice, Song Wenxin turned his head and looked at Jiang Beihan.

He was sitting in a wheelchair by the bed ... the familiar handsome face appeared again in front of her.

It made her feel ... a little bit like dreaming.

"Jiang Beihan ..." Song Wenxin opened his eyes and looked at him for a moment ... Then he called his name in a loss.

"I ... am I still alive?" After a while, she lowered her head in confusion, looking at herself ...

She thought she couldn't stand it!

"Crap!" Listening to her silly words, Jiang Bei's cold and grimace flashed a anger!

She is certainly alive! She must be alive!

At this time, Song Wenxin suddenly thought of something, reached out and touched his own belly!

The wound on the stomach hurt badly.

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