
Seeing the news from Qiao Weiwei, Song Wen could understand her feelings ...

But she didn't know how to persuade her, after all, it was between her and Jiang Beimo!

Therefore, Song Wenxin did not continue to talk about Jiang Beimo's affairs, only to let Qiao Weiwei live a good life, don't think too much!


After ending the chat with Qiao Weiwei, Song Wenxin put down his mobile phone and moved his body. When he was about to go to rest, the maid finished feeding and returned with the baby.

The little guy just had enough to eat, and rarely did not fall asleep, but opened his eyes and was mentally up.

Seeing that the baby was back, Song Wenxin quickly reached out and took the child over!

"Just go to rest and just leave it to me!"

"Okay, ma'am!" The servant nodded, and after turning the child over to her, turned around.

Song Wenxin took the child, hugged him and lay down, then gently extended his fingers and touched his face.

The little boy opened his eyes and stared in a certain direction for a while, then fell asleep.

Song Wen felt sleepy, leaning on the pillow, holding the child in one hand, couldn't help falling asleep!


Jiang family ...

"Is it found ?!" Jiang Beimo asked several men who were operating computers.

"Can't find ... the younger grandma's IP address is hidden, we can't find it at all!" The staff member shook his head and replied!


Hearing that Jiang Beimo's face became rigid!

Does she just want to avoid him!

"Master, do you want to keep checking?" The staff on the side asked quietly.

"No need!" Jiangbei Mo answered coldly, then turned away and strode away!

He went all the way back to the bedroom. The furnishings in the room were still the same!

There are traces left by Qiao Weiwei everywhere, despite the past two years in the Jiang family, she has always followed him silently, and has not done anything to make him care! But she is gone!

Everywhere here, her traces are left.

No matter if he eats, sleeps, baths ... he will always think of her everywhere!

What he doesn't want to admit is that his miss of Qiao Weiwei is almost everywhere ...

Jiang Beihan's footsteps paused at the door of the bedroom, and then stepped in and walked in!

Back at the room, Jiang Beimo took off his jacket, threw his clothes off, and then lay on the big bed, closing his eyes slowly!

As soon as I closed my eyes, Qiao Weiwei's face appeared involuntarily, and I couldn't get rid of it!

For so long, he didn't even know anything about her.

Qiao Weiwei, she is so heartless, intending to disappear in his world!

Did she really miss him for a moment?

Jiang Beimo took a deep breath, and his eyes became increasingly desperate.

When the man left, he felt that without her, his life was such a mess!

He coughed, then took the wine glass aside and took a sip!

I don't know if he drank too much, his eyes flickered at this moment ... A familiar figure appeared ...

When he wanted to see each other clearly, the figure in front of him disappeared again ...

Jiangbei Mo shook his head and got out of bed!

Walked to the balcony of the bedroom, then stopped and pushed out the glass door!

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