Black Ride

Chapter 1043: Under the news

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"However, fortunately, the blood agent" No. 1? "That you told me last time worked. Charlotte awakened the power of ancestorization immortally, and is now lying in the hospital room in Chang'an District. Take care of yourself. "

Adriana turned around and said the real result. This is why she can keep calm and say this message. After all, Charlotte was the one who introduced her to the Eagle Eagle Army. Even if the blind date of the two did not have a result, at least they were good friends.

If Charlotte really died in Wu Qi's hands, how could she still be able to sit still now?

Greg really squeezed a sweat, he said: "Please, Anna, I will talk about everything in the future, your father's heart can't stand you scared."

Adriana shrugged and said that she knew, not necessarily next time.

"Hey, didn't you say that Charlotte awakened the power of rejuvenation? Then why did he lie in the infirmary?" Greg asked again.

"Here, I was contacting him just now," Adriana raised the folding computer in her hand. "Wu Qi's attack contained an extremely intense energy torrent. Charlotte awakened his body regeneration ability when he returned to his ancestors. He could n’t win the torrent of energy, which left a serious sequelae; he was almost split in half in his left body, and it was estimated that he was unable to do so until his injury was completely healed. "

Greg nodded and noted down what he knew for the first time. His tone of voice also eased, and he said to Adriana: "Oh, then you don't hurry to pick up Charlotte."

"Ah? I'll pick up Charlotte now?" Adriana exclaimed.

"Yeah, hasn't the relationship between you both not progressed all the time? It's not just right now, he will definitely fall in love with you and forget that 'Goran'." Greg said.

Adriana's eyebrows twitched, and she felt extremely inexplicably said: "Dad, don't you really mess with me, Charlotte and I are just friends. There is someone's true love, why should I **** it? Again, I'm Captain Eagle , He is a second lieutenant, you let me take care of him? The reverse is almost the same! "

Greg grinned: "Look, you haven't said the truth."

"How can there be!"

"The last sentence."


Adriana threw her red hair fiercely, turning her head away to ignore Greg.

Greg was n’t kidding when he saw his daughter. He coaxed Adriana and said, "Okay, good daughter. You should do it for your dad. Charlotte is now seriously injured. You took him to Beijing. , We can cure him, and by the way, detect the remaining energy traces on the inside of the wound, and determine what strength Wu Qi is now? "

Greg knew that Adriana was definitely interested in saying this because Wu Qi was a humiliating experience of failure for her, and she had only one such experience in the first half of her life.

Wu Qi is very important to Adriana.

Adriana heard for a moment, then raised her mouth in amusement, and smiled: "Oh, dad, you can't finish saying that, you have to be arrogant."

A counterattack!

"After all, we are fathers and daughters." Greg said in a certain way, hitting Adriana's words back like Tai Chi. "

After the daily play between father and daughter ended, Adriana said again: "Right, shall we also tell Renee the news."

"Renee ... well, Wu Qi must be 100% concerned about her return, just tell her."


"Wu Qi is back?"

In the video communication of the folding computer, Renee, who was staying in the military dormitory, could not hide her surprise. She only covered her lower face with her hand.

Adriana said: "Well, if you are not busy, you can also take a leave to come back. Wu Qi's pursuit order has been restarted, and many officers of the Eagle are going to leave. It will not be any surprise that you join the trend."

"This ..." Renee blinked her beautiful blue eyes. She recalled some things, some happened after the encounter in the occupied area, and Wu Qi saved herself several times. There is also Wu Qi's final "turning face" sneak attack.

There was a little hesitation in Renee's expression. She was thinking, to this day, what is the relationship between herself and Wu Qi. If he is an enemy, why should he be so concerned about Wu Qi's return; if he is a friend, if he really meets Wu Qi and there are other hanging Eagle officers present, should he help Wu Qi or catch Wu Qi.

It seems that no matter what kind, I will fall into an awkward situation. If Wu Qi is captured, will Wu Qi's impression of his "friends" disappear?

In the end Renee made a decision, which might not be the most desired decision for her, but it was the most suitable decision after weighing the pros and cons.

"Sister Anna, I haven't been able to get out of the border area in the north recently. Wu Qi's affairs may only make you more troublesome."

Renee chose to avoid suspicion and escape.

Adriana seems to see something, she can understand Renee ’s choice, because some things happened after Renee and Wu Qi met in the occupied area ~ ~ Renee did n’t hide .

"Did I bother? If I saw Wu Qi in my words, I would be ashamed of him. Besides, a friend of mine almost died in Wu Qi's hands, and I have no reason to be merciful."

Adriana reminded Renee. Perhaps you may have complicated feelings for Wu Qi, but she does not have Adriana. She is a colony of hanging eagle, always knowing what she should do and what she wants. If Wu Qi is allowed to fall into the operational range of her and the Eagle Army, then the probability they do will not meet Renee's expectations.

Renee didn't argue, just said: "Well, it's okay. I'm just thinking if the hanging eagle really caught Wu Qi, I also hope that your sister Anna grabbed it yourself."

Adriana smiled and said nothing more.

Then Greg talked to Renee before changing to the video chat, and finally said goodbye to each other to hang up.

This night is destined to be the last relatively calm night for Adriana and Greg.

Adriana received a pre-call order from the army, and Greg knew that when he went to the laboratory of the Academia Sinica tomorrow, he would face Zhang Huanling who was extremely fanatical about Wu Qi and represented to some extent the representative of the Academia Sinica .

The Third High School is like a big vortex that is about to move, secretly moving on weekdays, but when the vortex rolls up, it will devour everything that touches it, and no one can stop it before swallowing the target it wants. Down.

This time it was Wu Qi who turned the Supreme High School into a vortex.

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