Black Ride

Chapter 1044: Soldiers

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Two days passed quickly, and time soon came the night after.

Tonight, it is Gu Chang's wedding day with Xue Xiaoman.

The Noah base is full of festive atmosphere, the buildings surrounding Noah headquarters are filled with festive decorations inside and outside, and thousands of square meters of wedding banquet halls are filled with high and low producers in Noah ’s industrial zone. Many people from the academy and army were present.

Gu Chang was put on a handsome and handsome black tuxedo. Xue Xiaoman put on an exquisite white wedding dress. The master of the wedding was Zheng Chengzhou, the minister of the A1 department.

The holy music that promoted the atmosphere played, and Gu Changzai and Xue Xiaoman clung to each other's hands, and walked on the long blanket of flowers surrounded by flowers with a sweet smile, slowly entering the venue.

The ceremonial Zheng Chengzhou said the words of sacred blessings, the symbolic light dance and the bubbles depicting the two people appearing from both sides of the long platform, setting off a pair of golden boys and girls in the middle.

Warm applause, excited tears, eternal blessings thrown by countless eyes. The reflection bubble reminded Gu Changzai and Xue Xiaoman's colleagues, relatives and friends of many memories of this time. This wedding with infinite blessings and joy is not only a good result for this couple, but also the people of the entire Noah City through their own efforts and struggles to open up a place where the light of hope from the future shines into the endless dark walls Kind of symbol.

Gu Changzai and Xue Xiaoman are like the epitome of happiness in the whole Noah city. People bless and yearn, and hope that one day, they will also be lucky to have this feeling of "being together forever, and staying with each other".

Wu Qi and his companions sat on the seat of relatives and friends, applauding like all the guests. Guo Baibai is the most emotional one, her eyes are shining with tears, and while holding Wu Qi's arm with her arm, she looks at Wu Qi's side face with affection.

Wu Qi also turned around and looked at Guo Baibai with emotion.

"Invite two newcomers to exchange rings."

Gu Chang was holding Xue Xiaoman's white and slender hand, and slowly sent the tokens symbolizing eachother to the ring finger of his favorite woman. Past memories of "Gu Tiedan" came to mind, and he has no regrets that he gave up his past thoughts and plunged into the shackles of eternal happiness with faith.

Xue Xiaoman also put on a ring for Gu Chang, the corner of his mouth always hung with the habitual smile they saw when they first met. That smile is as beautiful as it is full of temptations, but it has more sincerity, trust, love, and fiery heart, and it is no longer "Queen Siren's smile".

Because these two rings that tighten their ring fingers are a pair of burning brilliant rings of fire, which will melt away the past and present, and even ignite the eternal hot heart.

At this moment Gu Changzai and Xue Xiaoman's affectionate little eyes are free from the past and meet each other's eyes. The next second that the ceremonial groom could kiss the bride's announcement, Xue Xiaoman stood on tiptoe, squeezed Gu Chang's hands on his broad shoulders, and offered his sweet kiss.

"Gu Changzai, you will always be mine."

Xue Xiaoman's heart was conveyed, and Gu Changzai's solid arms also locked Xue Xiaoman's waist, responding to Xue Xiaoman's passionate kiss.

The atmosphere of blessings in the wedding banquet hall has reached the top of the tide, while Wu Qi disappeared silently on the seat of relatives and friends.

Outside the underground city, Noah's Ark is flying in the silent unmanned night sky. Wu Qi ascended to the top of Noah City, and the light shield that crossed the Genesis Shield looked down on the ground covered with night.

The night gauze under the moon may be a perfect cloak for ordinary people, but a little glimmer of the meniscus is enough for Wu Qi to see everything.

There is an army interception not far from 2 kilometers ahead! No soldiers were exposed, and the entire army phalanx consisted of hundreds of war tanks. The muzzles of the hundreds of war tanks were pre-aimed at the direction of Noah ’s Ark, and the last side of the war tank phalanx was sitting at a height of 15 meters and a length of more than 40. The gun barrel or the "steel giant" body are all covered with super weapons that emit light blue halo lines!

Wu Qi has tiny eyes. When he saw the ultra-modern super weapon, he had a bad hunch in his heart.

"Archie, you are here."

Ruoxi's voice came from the side. She wore a general cloak as always and stood on top of the high wall like Wu Qi. A long chestnut-colored hair under the general's cap was beautifully illuminated by the moon like a blue-silver waterfall.

Wu Qi said in a deep voice: "Is it really the intercepting army of the Supreme Court?"

Ruo Xuan slightly nodded, and some unusual ripples rippled in the seemingly calm blue eyes.

"Good, and it is the most elite hanging eagle unit. I also sensed a familiar mental wave ..."

If Rou closed his eyes and focused on the central god, he quickly opened his eyes and understood who the master of this familiar mental wave was.

"I will meet old friends, and I will leave the rest to you."

"Well, you go."

Ruoxi flew out ~ ~ turned into an invisible escape light disappeared outside the wall of light. And Wu Qi also knows that it is the fourth-order pioneer who is the general of Xuanying who can make Sister Ruozhen attach importance to it and make an attack.

Pinnacle's duel was handed over to Ruo 瑢. What Wu Qi has to do is to block all the malice from the Supreme High Court on this good brother's wedding night!

The distance between Noah's Ark and the Suspended Eagle Interceptor was rapidly approaching, and the blue light emitted from the super weapon suddenly changed into a hot red light at a moment; like the recharge of the electromagnetic gun, the red light bar around the long rectangular muzzle of the super weapon Rapidly extending to the top, a strong energy intensity erupted in the muzzle at the same time. Wu Qi could sense that the muzzle was filled with a destructive energy field that exceeded the power of the high-energy annihilation gun at a distance of thousands of kilometers!

Wu Qi thoroughly realized that the purpose of moving out this super weapon in the Supreme High School was to target the Genesis Shield!

Wu Qi stepped out of the light wall in one step, and the energy light of the super weapon was shot out in the next instant!

The real name of this super weapon is "Hand of Suter". Suter is named after the flame giant of a world terminator in a myth of the civilization era. The Third High School, which made this super weapon, hopes that its power can be the same as the arm of the mythical flame giant, a "fist" penetrates and burns the entire city!

Wu Qi also planned to use a crescent knife to draw a black lightning barrier a moment ago to block the "Hand of Suter", but his hunter's instinct sent back a moment after the "Hand of Suter" fired. A terrifying sense of threat.

"Gravity" energy is not enough!

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