Black Ride

Vol 4 Chapter 699: King of ancient trees

Renee thinks that Wu Qi’s analysis is reasonable, and Wu Qi embarked on the journey of measuring the poison river. It took a total of two hours, and the two finally found a non-toxic river in a river six kilometers away.

The grasses on the south side of the river could not survive the discovery of the revelation, and soon Lei Ni discovered the planting of the ignorant virus. And the north side of Wu Qi searched all the way to find out, the parasitic virus contained in the grass plants did not decrease. It is obvious that the enemy is on the north side of the river.

"Next, we will encounter more plant plague species containing this versatile virus. The ability of plant plague species is secretive and strange. Seeing the appearance judgment characteristics can only prevent a part. So we will be cautious after encountering any plant plague species. Don't go up and touch the 'Exploration of Revelation', do you know?" Wu Qi reminded before departure.

Renee nodded. She listened to Wu Qi's words in a cautious and organized manner, presumably there are many experiences in dealing with plant plague species.

Wu Qi and Lei Ni are separated from each other by the width of three people and march toward the depths of the forest.

The forest scene on both sides of the horizon retreats at a constant speed. The vast and dense canopy of the sea is always over the top of the head. Only about 10% of the sunlight can be mapped to the dark brown land through the interlaced leaves.

Strong bushes, thick roots protruding from the ground, sporadic leaves on the ground, climbing up the stalks and hanging on the branches of a vine, a moss-covered stone, and a dead wood The fungus of the gap, as well as the wild and wild wildflowers that grow wildly; the dark green tone of the forest is full of such a scene, gathering together in the sun, bathing in the sun and the breeze, everywhere to show a peaceful.

Wu Qi and Renee did not relax their vigilance. They cautiously perceive the movements in six directions to prevent the attack of plant plague species that may come at any time.

And as Wu Qi and Renee are wary of, the vines hanging on the branches like snakes and the weird roots on the surface are successively attacking them. Renee's "regional control" all-round suppression of the vines and roots of the tree, Wu Qi manipulated hundreds of blades in the blink of an eye to cut their branches into numerous broken.

Blocking through the snake vines and the giant food tree, it is Yin Hong to the glaring daffodil flower sea. The **** color of the flower phoenix spurts out the pollen sea. Renee’s thoughts of “regional control” sweep all the strange pollen around, but during the long time crossing the flower sea, she and Wu Qi are inevitably contaminated with perennial pollen. .

After being polluted by the pollen, Wu Qi and Renee encountered the **** beeswax associated with the bee colony. A large-eyed big-eyed giant bee swept around the two high-speed flaps, one of which stood out from the tail. The long needles of the fingers seem to entangle the fierceness of the head of the plague that invades the **** daffodil.

All individuals in the Jufeng group are second-order plague species, and the vulnerable balloons in front of Wu Qi's blade array will fly autonomously. A flash of silver light is a giant peak. Wu Qi moves to kill the heart, commanding the knives of the sky to dance, the efficiency is more efficient than the insecticide; and the dying giant bee will always shoot the bee needle at the tail, this time it is the turn of Renee accurately The bee-stitch that stopped flying, so that the killing of the giant bees was all invalid.

In 10 minutes, Wu Qi and Renee did not know that they had killed hundreds of giant peaks. About a whole hive of giant bees came. Finally, the body of the giant bee spread over the ground, to the extent that there was no place to go, and even a sharp needle did not wipe Wu Qi and Renee.

Wu Qi and Renee have a main attack, and the ones that are not considered to be giant mud fish are fighting each other. This is their first real match. The attack and defense of the first two people were often overstretched from time to time, and after exploring and advancing the enemy for a period of time, the two men cooperated with the battle to achieve a rapid rise in the speed of the rocket.

Perhaps it is the same attraction of those who are the same as the ability to return to the ancestor. Perhaps both sides are super-intuitive, perhaps trusting another person, or all three. Wu Qi gradually gave up most of his defensive intentions and focused on efficient attacks. Renee also naturally made concessions, handing over the work of killing the enemy to Wu Qi, and only a few times would he wave his own sword.

The forest is dangerous, giving up the sword or giving up the shield is a huge test for the instinct of the warrior. But if the two have no cooperation, the "one sword and one shield" will have both an unassailable offensive and a solid defense. It is the strongest posture. !

Wu Qi and Renee are all invincible, except for all the plant plagues that block them. After another series of plant plagues fell, the two men opened a prison-like hardwood strip, and the narrow space in front of them suddenly became bright and open.

The turbulent water flows down the stone steps of the first level, and the flowing water is a crystal clear mountain.

The mountain ridges encountered in this place must have a multi-virus that is more than a few times more powerful than the original river. Wu Qi spreads hundreds of long knife fragments in his own and Renee's all sides; Renee also presses the grip button to ignite the bright energy lightsaber to maintain the concentration of 120,000.

One second, one second. There is no sound other than the sound of running water in the air. If the memories of Wu Qi and Renee are removed, the two will not even feel that there is a strange atmosphere here.

Wu Qi's eyes glanced around and finally stayed in front of this towering tree. When I saw this towering tree, all the "giant trees" that Wu Qi had seen before were not worthy of being called giant trees. After 20 meters of visual inspection, he knew that the tall and rough stems of this towering tree had at least 20 people. Encircled.

Rather than being an incomparable giant tree, it is better to say that it is a giant's ankle in the depths of the forest!

"The diameter of 12 meters, how many years is this tree..." Renee was also shocked by the stout of this towering giant tree. If you do not consider the variability of plague seed growth, this towering giant tree is definitely the king of ancient trees for thousands of years.

Wu Qi’s eyes couldn’t help but look at the roots of the dragons that were exposed to the surface of the ancient trees. As long as he touches the roots of this ancient tree, he will be able to find out its life information.

They will come here all the way through the road, isn’t it just to find the owner of the “river abilities virus”? If the Lord is here, he must not miss it.

"Rennie, help me guard. I want to know the roots of this ancient tree!" Wu Qi cold channel.

"You?" Renee was a little surprised. "You are now physically weaker than I am. If you touch the roots, you will get a full-body virus attacking you. You can't hold it for a second."

Renee was surprised that Wu Qi was seriously injured and was forced to absorb the blood of a third-order life as soon as possible to restore the injury, and even rushed to take risks.

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