Black Ride

Vol 4 Chapter 700: Under the king of ancient trees

Wu Qi did not go back and said: "Listen to me. Your proficiency in detection is less than one percent of me. It is up to me to get the most information at the same time."

Renee had to promise.

She walked to the vicinity of Wu Qi within three feet and nodded to indicate that she was ready. Wu Qi then reached down and touched the roots of the ancient tree.

At this moment, a huge amount of life information flooded into Wu Qi’s consciousness world like a broken flood! He suddenly fell into the life world of an ancient tree that lasted for three thousand years. The information of life in the accumulated years is enough to afflict people's willpower.

"This guy is not because the abilities virus grows to this extent, but by himself..."

Wu Qi was completely shocked. Who could have thought that he had accidentally hit the real king of the ancient tree!

Wu Qi is very interested in the experience of the ancient king of trees for three thousand years, but he has a mission and decisively chooses to shuttle to the last stage of life of the king of ancient trees.

In the quest for mad search, Wu Qi ruled out all the disturbing life information until he saw the light door, and determined that there is no "river abilities virus" in all life information except the light door!

The ability to detect without the hammering is not to see the light gate in the deepest part of the life world.

Wu Qi’s consciousness stepped out and broke into the light door. Soaking in the light door, Wu Qi finally saw the answer he wanted.

Sure enough, the king of the ancient tree is the master of the "river power virus", but its ability is not the ordinary ability of "taking physical strength", but the fourth-order special that is ten thousand times stronger than that. Domain-type abilities - "the loss of the realm of Sen Luo."

"The loss of the realm of Sen Luo" is the name that suddenly came from the other side of the "road". Wu Qi did not know that the knowledge transmission in the discovery would suddenly trigger the "road". At this moment, his mind was completely engulfed by the knowledge of the ability of the fourth-order power of "the loss of the realm of Senro", and the consciousness was caught in fear for the first time in the state of detection.

"Wu Qi!"

Renee’s screams interrupted Wu Qi’s state of detection and dragged him back to reality from the “light gate” of the ancient king of trees, separated by three thousand years of life history.

Wu Qi suddenly opened his eyes and caught the infinite light particles like the sea of ​​white fireflies! The endless light particles appear in his body, condensed into dozens of slender beauticians; one end of the light whisker is connected to the heart of his left chest, and the other end is connected to the root of the tree of the ancient tree.

This surrounded the light of his body and connected to the light of his heart, as if to take away all the vitality of the body from the core of his life!

Wu Qi’s shoulder suddenly came the touch of Renee’s palm. Wu Qi turned his head and saw Renee staring at him nervously, leaning over and leaning against his face and only one fist. The distance is so close.

"Danger!" Wu Qi did not want to take a shot to Renee's chest. He couldn't even control the precision to perfection.

Awkwardly, Renee was unprepared to Wu Qi's chest, and there was not much softening force pouring in. Renee's body almost flew up, and the whole upper body suddenly turned from the cushion to the back.

Wu Qiyu's eyes widened, and the obsidian eyes appeared ten times more tense than Renee. In the next second, his pupils shrank violently, because there were suddenly dozens of slender beauticians in the empty air, and the light had to be connected to the heart of Renee's heart and the king of the ancient tree!

Wu Qi’s heart beat stopped. It is because he saw the information in the light door and knew the effect of "the loss of the realm of Senro", and he was nervous to shoot Fei Lini.

In the place where the giant tree roots of the ancient tree kings are covered, including the bottom and the sky, as long as there is a living thing to make a downward dumping action, it will trigger "the loss of the realm of the Senro", like an angel suddenly took the wings and fell. Losing all strength and strength, and being killed by the king of ancient trees alive!

Renee was safe and sound when she fell down, but she took his shoulder and made this terrible move. Even if he took Renee's posture back to the top for the first time, he couldn't change the fact that "the loss of Senro's world" locked Renee's living creature.

"Hey... Wu Qi, what are these light things?" After Renee's heart was connected by the light, the breath could be noticed and weakened. If it weren’t for her sudden display of 100% reintroduction, she couldn’t even say a word.

"Keep on, don't kneel down. You will have to become more light when you squat down, until your life will disappear." Wu Qi kept his posture in a sigh, and his voice was harsh.

Renee asked urgently: "Have you discovered it?"

"Yes, the king of the ancient tree is a rare fourth-order life. These light must be part of its ability to lose the realm of the Senro. If the living creatures invading its territory make a downward dump, it will be' Losing the land of Sen Luo 'captured as a prey.' Wu Qi's eyes revealed difficulty.

Renee suddenly became cheerful: "No wonder, you are only a second or two are these beauticians..."

Halfway through the story, Renee’s knees suddenly softened, and Wu Qixun rushed underneath Renee, and propped Renee’s body with a solid ridge that was arched. Renee’s hands were supported, and this did not continue to fall.

It was such a small 15 cents drop, and the light of the heart of Renee had 15 more in the blink of an eye. Renee can clearly feel that the "things" that **** the strength of her body like a straw have become more, and then her knees really have no strength to support the body.

"Wu Qi, is there any way to escape ‘the loss of the realm of Sen Luo’...” Renee leaned on Wu Qi’s back with her elbows, and she said hard and hard.

Wu Qi also talked very hard, he said: "Escape from the roots of the roots, or kill the king of ancient trees!"

"Kill? How do you kill the law?" Renee didn't want to be authentic.

At a critical juncture, Wu Qi was laughed at by Renee's reaction: "Hey, are you crazy? Anyone who wants to escape at this time is right."

Even if you don’t know the weakness, you want to kill the fourth-order life. Renee’s thoughts are too naive...

When Wu Qi was thinking, she listened to Renee. "Wu Qi, have you forgotten our original intention at the beginning? I must kill the king of ancient trees and save the soldiers."

Wu Qi is also being pumped away by the light. He can't support the weight of Renee's entire upper body. Rao is so hard that he is still holding his teeth and said: "The powers that take physical strength are a greatly weakened version of the power of the king of ancient trees. Even the boundaries of the third and second orders are blurred, even if the ancient trees are killed. The king is not necessarily useful!"

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