Black Ride

Vol 4 Chapter 709: Friend

Wu Qi walked out of the camp and walked to the side of the camp. He did not look at anything and participated, only standing in the ground.

When he and Nehro shook hands, he instantly discovered the body of Nero with the revelation of the wilderness. Like the conversation that was heard before the camp, the Nerro's abdomen really had an extremely serious injury. The chief culprit of the injury was the corpse virus.

But the corpse virus in Nero is different from the corpse virus he had learned before. It is the virion after the change. It once broke out in the abdomen of Nero, making Nero's abdomen All the organizations became the body of the corpse; and the corpse virus that erupted in a small area depleted the energy, and it naturally lost its effect. This is why Nero’s injury has recovered.

The most terrible thing is the new features of this variant of the corpse virus. They only need tissue necrosis in one part to erupt in a small area, and then drag the entire body of the host into a weak state in which the injury cannot heal itself.

In other words, once a part of the battle is broken, it will be lost.

Wu Qi thought of this, Renee just came over.

"No paint. I am still worried that you will have any unpleasantness with Captain Nero. It is great to be able to cooperate successfully." Renee said. From her eyes, Wu Qi can see that she is really happy.

Although this is indeed in the interest of Renee, Wu Qi always feels that the "true heart" in Renee's eyes is a bit strange and familiar. It seems that it is not as simple as the benefits are met.

Wu Qi did not think deeply. He said very simply: "Yes."

"To Renee, your Nero captain, who is injured in the abdomen?" Wu Qi immediately asked.

Renee did not tell Nichi about the injury of Nero before, because there is no reason and no need, now naturally it can be fully presented.

"It was a gray queen who was injured."

Wu Qi nodded. In the vicinity of Nero's wounds, he discovered a trace of powerful energy left and left, which was originally left behind by the Grey Queen.

Renee suddenly lowered her voice and asked: "You will not know the life information in Nero in the moment of shaking hands, and get the information about the corpse virus in his body?"

Wu Qi stunned. He looked at Renee's blue eyes. The words spoken in one mouth were "I haven't reached that level yet."

Renee did not even question, "Oh" did not say the following. The expression on her face was completely what she believed in Wu Qi’s words.

Although this is not the first time to conceal Renee, Wu Qi's heart still raised a small sense of guilt. If he says it, he can remind Renee to change the danger of the corpse virus, and ask her to be careful about the attack of the Grey Queen. But in this way, Renee will know that he can detect a person's deep hidden information in the short time of shaking hands, and I am afraid that he will be more vigilant.

No one would like to be seen by others easily.

The conversation between Wu Qi and Renee came to an end. The soldiers of the investigation team spent 30 minutes to distribute the various wild survival products in the camp to their marching backpacks. There are fewer people, and naturally there are more items that can be discarded. The burden of each soldier is almost the same as when the number of people before the arrival is more.

After the package is ready to go, the next step is to get the vehicle. Among the Crouching Tigers, there is a warrior who has the ability to make mutant animals or plague species. It is a third-order special-domain abilities "taming". If the soldier spends enough time and energy, he can really tame a weaker third-order animal. However, if the third-order "taming" is used for second-order and first-order animals, the number of objects that can be simultaneously activated will increase greatly.

The soldier is going to do the latter. The entire investigation team attacked and searched for low-level plague species suitable for human riding in wasteland and forests. Find the target and let the "taming warriors" enslave them one by one.

For a total of three hours, the investigation team enslaved a large group of low-end plague species such as jungle tigers, wild boars, wolves, and large deer as mounts. The soldiers rode to these fierce plagues on weekdays, and these ridiculous plagues have long been sealed with bloodthirsty wildness and the nature of freedom, and the soldiers as a tamer who raised it. , obediently let them ride on their backs.

Wu Qi also had the privilege of riding on the back of a wolf who was as tall as the old tiger. He has no other thoughts, but just can't help but sigh that the world is really nothing, countless different pioneers will have all kinds of wonderful and powerful abilities, become a variety of talents, shining in their place.

Because the battlefield car was destroyed, he borrowed the positioning technology on the field vehicle to find a plan for the midnight base. However, there is nothing wrong with this. There are still many difficulties in the implementation of the former. Now he has nothing to think about before seeing the gray queen. The anxiety is always going straight to the bridge.

"Hey, no paint, you are sitting a little female wolf." Renee rode a white wolf and moved to Wu Qi next to smiled.

"You are a male wolf, or a beautiful and rare kind of fur." ​​Wu Qi said back.

"Look, it will be fine if you look good." Renee was quite happy. In fact, this beautiful white male wolf was discovered and given to her by the captain of Jiang. She was riding a beautiful mount and was in a good mood.

"Then I will go to the front first, you can follow up." Renee pulled the reins, and the white wolf ran a few steps and ran to the front of the investigation team.

Wu Qi looked at Renee's beautiful side from the far away, the long blond hair rising in the wind, the hair roots fluttering, accompanied by the floating of a woman's unique faint fragrance.

The wind is a comfortable wind, and even if there is no fragrance of Renee wrapped in it, it is a wind that can make Wu Qi temporarily relax nervous.

At this moment, Wu Qi unconsciously thought in his heart: If Renee is not the enemy of the new Beijing camp, then she may be able to be frank and be friends with her.

Wu Qi is a real person, so this kind of thought is just a flash in his heart. He told himself that he is now in the ranks of the human territory army, and everyone here will become his enemy in the worst case. Including Renee, including this "friend."

Human feelings are one of the most wonderful things in the world. The relationship between people has a crack, and the broken mirror can't be restored. If a certain person touches another person's heart in a certain moment, it will plant a seed in his heart. If there is a seed in the future, if there is Opportunities will sprout and grow into towering trees.

Wu Qi did not know it himself. In fact, he had planted a small seed in his heart.

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