Black Ride

Vol 4 Chapter 710: Under the friend

The investigation team rode a group of plague species, and walked out of the mountainous exit at a constant speed, and set foot on the vast wilderness plain. The speed of the investigation team's marching gradually rose to 100 kilometers per hour. It is not impossible to raise the height. It is only because of the limited speed and physical strength of the low-grade plague species.

Maintaining a speed of 100 kilometers per hour while still being physically and without consumption, this is much better than walking on foot.

It is a very stupid and inefficient act to find the Legion of the Grey Queen in the wilderness. Wu Qi was only slightly worried, and the investigation team gave the perfect answer.

Among the Crouching Tigers is a warrior who is good at tracking. He has a second-order "trace" of the upper power "tracking guide." Beforehand, he took the blood sample of the Grey Queen in the battle, and at this moment he used the preserved blood sample as a medium to display the "tracking guide." As a high-level abilities, the performance of all aspects of "tracking guide" is superior to "trace", the precision is greatly increased, and it is not as defective as "trace" to use deception.

In the "Tracking Warrior" field, a large amount of gray fluorescent particles float in the air. Following these fluorescent particles, the fluorescent particles will naturally bring them to the gray queen.

Tracking the soldiers in the forefront leader, Nero and Song Yu are scattered on the left and right sides of the team, the tail of the team is Wu Qi and Renee, the middle is the animal control soldiers and logistics soldiers who control the plague slaves.

Over time, warriors and inner warriors who need more vigilance on the periphery of the team alternate their peripheral positions. In this orderly marching mode, the investigation team has been following the gray fluorescent particles that track the gray queen. From noon to marching until the night, Nero issued a full-time retreat, and the soldiers set up tents and took out the supplements such as dried meat and kettles.

After a long while, Wu Qi took the initiative to walk next to the tracking warrior. There are two other lying tiger warriors next to the tracking warrior. Wu Qi does not care about the number of people and many people. He directly asked: "Is there a distance from the Grey Queen?"

"About 600 kilometers." The tracking warrior saw the VIP and the hitter of the investigation team "paint no" to ask, and returned directly.

"Thank you."

Wu Qi walked back to where she was resting - riding the wolf. He sat down on the spot and closed his eyes.

"Don't sleep, haven't eaten yet?"

Wu Qi heard Renee's voice in the dark world. These days, surrounded by his ears, always Renee's crisp and mature voice, listening to more, compared with the voice of other people in the investigation team, it is more intimate.

If Gu is constantly evaluating Renee's voice, 80% is the word "sexuality."

Wu Qilian's "What's wrong" is too lazy to ask, directly blinking. Renee's hand holds a piece of animal thigh meat that has just been baked with red oil and has been stringed with iron.

Renee smiled and handed the barbecue to Wu Qi. Wu Qi took the iron sign and looked at the perfect roasting roast of the roasting time. He asked casually: "Isn't the marching meat all dry, what is it?"

"The investigation team unanimously agreed to slaughter the two large deer to improve the food. The missing mounts have already replaced the soldiers with the new ones. This is the roasted meat. I will bring it to you. It is impossible to use your sense of smell. Didn't smell the smell of the barbecue."

"I don't care what smell I will care about." Having said that, Wu Qi still took the barbecue from Renee.

Renee sat in front of Wu Qi and watched Wu Qi eat. Wu Qi was seen uncomfortable for a while, but it was not good for Renee to look away.

"The revelation of the wilderness **** can't detect the cooked meat, so you don't know if I'm poisoned, so I took it with such trust." Renee said suddenly.

"I ate, no poison, you don't have to scare me." Wu Qi was faint.

Renee smiled: "Where did your brain think?" I mean, you naturally show your trust in me."

Wu Qi knows that Renee is saying this. He didn't think there was anything worth saying here.

"Hey, I agree with the goal of your investigation team. It is to kill the body of the corpse virus. If you don't have my help, just want your current strength to win?"

Lei Ni embraced her arms and raised her eyebrows: "Hey, I can't usually see it. It turns out that your heart is still very proud. But if I say "A paint", the entire investigation team will temporarily abandon the body of the corpse virus. No big deal. A medicine faints you, and when you wake up, you return to the other side of the border."

"Well, then when I believe in the life of the same life, I have been fighting for Renee." Wu Qi did not care, look like a hand.

"Haha, this way of speaking is quite interesting. It is not the same as your usual calm and ice-filled atmosphere." Renee joked.

Wu Qi’s mouth rose slightly, and he immediately returned to calm.

"Hey, what did I see?" Renee surprised.

"Nothing." Wu Qi is really authentic,

"Nonsense, I just saw you laughing. It's a good skin to be born, it's a pity to laugh, come and laugh a few more." Renee's eyebrows are full of smiles.

Wu Qi puts a hand in his hand: "Don't make trouble, I have a face of a corpse, and I have a good skin."

Renee looked at her with one hand and looked at Wu Qi with a smile. Some words came to my mouth and swallowed back.

In fact, she wants to say Even if you become the face of a dead person, it looks handsome."

But this kind of thing she can't say, somehow the ear is already a bit hot. If it is said, the special and embarrassing feeling of "at that time" is afraid to come up again.

Renee recalled the scene where she handed her arm to Wu Qi to **** and drink blood. Now think about some small regrets. If you take a cup, it would be fine.

Forget it, still don't take it better.

The air was still floating in the voices of other soldiers, and in the distance there was a very light slamming sound from the fire. Under the night sky, the only small piece of light on the wilderness seems to be very quiet. Quiet to the world without anyone disturbing.

"Hey, Wu Qi, can you still remember the first night we met in the cave?" Renee said with her arms around her knees.

Wu Qi finished eating the barbecue, subconsciously "hmm", and suddenly changed his face in the next second.

"Stupid, you said that your mouth is leaking." Wu Qi whispered in a low voice, and at the same time, he scanned all the people around him, and his hand faintly approached the handle of the long knife.

Renee also suddenly remembered. She gave Wu Qi a smile that meant "I'm sorry," and she smirked her lips and slowly spit out her own voice.

"At that time, I never thought that one day we could still chat like this, you will be joking with me and will laugh in front of me."

Wu Qi heard that the movement of the whole body gradually stopped. He seems to "see" a wonderful invisible line. It was because Renee's words made him see that this invisible line was connected to her, and the other side of the line, besides who could connect with him.

"Rennie, because we became friends."

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