Black sails

Chapter 260 CCLIX Partition guessing

Chapter 260 CCLIX. Partition guessing

The atmosphere in the entire venue dropped to freezing point, and the musicians' playing hands were a little stiff. Only the firewood burning in the fireplace crackled, and the flames were reflected in the eyes of the desperadoes.

Li Site and Dollinger were wearing the same clothes, and their eyes were locked in each other's eyes.

Daolinger and three other big guys have already transformed into businessmen, and now he is undoubtedly the most arrogant in the East China Sea.

Just being a desperado and a lunatic is not scary, the key is...

This is the most vicious gang leader in the Lawless Zone, and Li Site has long been considered a notorious figure.

And he had already thought of this situation.

Dollinger was so fucking three-dimensionally defensive that he had no choice but to say both good and bad things. If he hadn't followed the pretty girl into the small room, he would have been the only person in the room who opposed him, and he would have suffered a terrible end.

Qili and Wenkui were both persuaded. They had nothing to do with them. If Daolinger was willing to give him a high-priced job and cover the food, clothing, housing, and transportation expenses of their pirate group, why bother hanging out with the unstable Li Site? Isn't Dollinger more stable?

Seeing that Qili had already decided to retreat, he inadvertently took a few steps away from Black Sail and his group.

Wenkui is obviously a follower. He was invited by Qili to join the gang. Master Qili must be smarter than him, so he is right to follow him.

Fen was also a little unable to hold back. He glanced around cautiously, waiting for Li Site's reply. Now that he entered the door, it was completely over. Once word spread that Li Site was accepted by Daolinger, all the "power" would be gone. He was ready. The eighth level of Senluo's death-killing technique killed everyone in the audience. Although Li Site has a big move, he can't use it just when he wants. He has to wait for someone to come.


Morrison is smiling but not smiling, Mei Mei will go to hell.

Xia Di also looked at Li Site, didn't he say Wen Dou, bring out the Immortal Emperor's magical power?

But Taylor was a little panicked. When his business was cut off, what would he rely on to make a living? Relying on Dollinger's charity? Taylor has already earned enough money to wash his hands of his problems, but does he dare? Will the person he killed before and the enemy he brought up agree to let him retire? If you are in trouble and have no soldiers under your command, neither you nor your daughter will die well.

At his signal.

Tai Ni walked up to Li Site and held his hand. Another big boss also stood with Taylor, and her meaning was obvious.

He took sides and bet his money to Li Site. Taylor also got in touch with a big boss. Li Site was rich.

As for the third big boss who had communicated with Dollinger before, he was on his side.

The expressions of everyone present were complicated and their thoughts were unpredictable.

Even so, Daolinger didn't care. The two stolen goods dealers were just at the end of their efforts. Once the foundation was broken, the people below them dispersed themselves. Li Site's two pirate group allies were just fagots and a ragtag group of people.

Merle saw that Li Site was hesitant in the face of Dolinger's invitation. It would be better if it was simpler. You can advance or retreat. It gives you enough poles to climb up. You are hesitant now. How can you compare with Dolinger in this way? Fighting?

"The captain must be worried. This can be completely dispelled. After all, I am the one who can hold a banquet in the castle."

Dollinger's long gray hair fluttered faintly in the draft, and his heroic face in his prime was smiling. The beautiful woman beside him made him appear in an extremely high position.

He was determined to accept Li Site, and his words implied that the two stolen goods dealers were not worth mentioning, and they also worked for him.


The ultimate is already warming up.

The extremely huge pressure seemed to have broken through some barrier.

Li Site smiled warmly, but the scarred face seemed to be caused by facial muscle twitching, and the vicious aura actually overwhelmed Dollinger when he clashed with him.

Li Site, come on!

"I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it anymore. It's still early on February 2. There are bureaus here. Representatives of major companies. If they have already injected capital and are locked up in Tianguo Port, the plate is full. My colleagues on the island, what else can I do? Come in, if outsiders bully us, can we let Master Tao make the decision?"

Li Site knew that Wenkui followed Qili to make a decision, so he held Qili over with one hand.

A group of company representatives are all ashamed, who the hell dares to bully you? Today I got to see Donghai’s hob meat.

Qili narrowed his eyes and thought about it deeply. It really made sense. The sudden claim that Li Site remembered the time incorrectly and made up February 2nd out of thin air was too unreliable.

He understood something and suddenly looked sideways at Li Site.

If the major companies handed over their money tonight, in order to protect their property, there would definitely be armed personnel coming. By then, wouldn't it be easy for Doling and outsiders to suppress these characters on the island?

Li Site obviously understands this truth. Time is also a resource. He must demolish his stage and destroy it today to have a chance of winning.

Although he didn't see any blood, Qili felt extremely horrified and his scalp was numb. The minds of these two people were too terrifying.

Taylor also stared intently. It's not unreasonable for Li Site to survive today. It's such a deep city.

Originally, the major representatives had invested 80% to 90% tonight, but when Li Site made a fuss, Dollinger made a strong comeback and went straight to 100%, but now...

Li Site suddenly came back to life from a dead situation. His ultimate move had not yet come, and he had to give Dollinger a hard time.

The situation in Tianguo Port is too complicated. Some companies no longer want to get involved in this muddy water and have invested money to join the civil war.

Everyone on Daolinger's side was stunned, Li Site! It's his mother! Determined to get Dollinger! No one can persuade me!

The captains of the peak competition who were recruited had different expressions, some were shocked, and some were sighing. They were shocked that Li Site was far more capable and thoughtful than he was back then. They lamented that Li Site might die on the street in a short time, and he would be exposed. Corpse wilderness.

Merle's eyes were solemn, and he immediately glanced at Fen next to Li Site. These people showed their domineering attitude and were looking for death!

So Dollinger is the king of the East China Sea.

The sky collapses in front of you without being surprised.

"The captain did not treat me as one of his own, and he also underestimated my gratitude to all the captains. He made all the distinguished guests laugh. How can there be any outsiders here? They are all his own people. This place is restricted by international law and is no longer a wilderness. , this is Linden City, this is Morningside Port. We are all legitimate businessmen. It is normal to have competition. The business itself is about you coming and going. Anyone who wants to do something that harms the interests of the whole island, or even the whole world, I will not let go. Yes. Why do you say things that undermine harmonious coexistence again and again?"

These words are of a very high level. Pirates can buy shares, and pirates can wash their hands, but he will not help anyone, but he will not take care of anyone, maintaining neutrality, moderation, and the way of rulers. It seems like this, how could someone else's serious company take the initiative to cause trouble? In fact, saying it had another meaning. It not only took care of the face of his colleagues on the island, but also promised that as long as the pirates messed up, he, Dollinger, would not give up.

He immediately added: "It is my negligence that has disturbed the excitement of all the guests. Injecting capital is naturally risky. Although this place is not far from the New World, it is not close either. The wind and waves are not small. Those who arrive first will of course get something." more."

Dollinger also regained a few percent, and now he has lost some customers, but it doesn't matter, he hasn't lost everything yet, just admit the loss. The strong side is still with him. If he doesn't win them all, he can win 60 to 70% of them. .

"Master Dao is right, investment is risky."

A representative in a red suit said that there is no business in this world that is guaranteed to make money without losing money. He took the risk to come here to celebrate the New Year just to participate in this meeting, but he could not return without success.

There are also armed personnel in our company. Although strong dragons cannot overwhelm local snakes, when the number is large, these small characters are not at risk.

Other representatives also stated that Dollinger can now show the contents of the contract and they will take a look at the terms.

Even Taylor was a little unable to hold back. He had already told another person that if it didn't work out tonight, there would be a complete falling out. If we couldn't kill you, Dollinger, wouldn't it be okay to kill all these outsiders? Let’s see who dares to come to Tianguo Port to do business.

Now Daolinger is no longer in three-dimensional defense. With this wave standing in the sky, Li Site has no breakthrough at all.

Merle also tutted in this direction, "If you don't get down the stairs, it's too late now."

It was as if Li Site and others were already dead.

Just when Taylor was about to use magic props to shake people.

Li Site's ultimate move has been chanted.

"So that's it. Master Dao's vision is really great. I have to admire it. I have nothing to say. I'm impressed. Then it's better to choose the day than to hit it. Waiting until February 2nd, it will be too late. I have already put everything in my mind." Colleagues from the island, please come to the castle to discuss this matter with Master Tao. We will be there soon. I don’t know what to do, and the brothers are afraid.”

Li Si Te finished speaking.

The whole place was silent.

He can invite all the pirate representatives to the castle, so who is... the first brother?

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