Black sails

Chapter 261 CCLX is as rich as a country

Chapter 261 CCLX. Rich as a country

What was Li Site trying to do when he took Hnid out of prison?

Combat strength and financial resources are not important, what is important is reputation.

But if you only have prestige and you can't get a penny out of it, who will take advantage of you?

My money, Gahnid's reputation, tell me if you got it wrong! Whether it’s Tianguo Port or the Western Continent, I feel the same way!

Please go to Heaven Brother One and die!

Hnid has not been at the Black Sails Hotel these days, not even for the reunion dinner.

Li Site arranged for him to become Black Sail's overseas representative. He invited Henid to be invited to Li Site.

Once the heroes of the golden waters of the Narrow Sea, the pirates of that era had a spirit of unity, and their appeal was unparalleled. Although the pirate world is in chaos now, and they are all dirty and despicable, this was not the case in that era.

Henid has connections all over the world. Which captain on the island may be one of his former crew members, or the son of a crew member, who has a great reputation all over the world.


Hnid is old, and you are an old guy from the uncle's generation, so what? Can I get a piece of meat?

Li Site is here to provide you with the nutrients you are lacking.

No more grabbing channels now, I’ll pay you directly and hire you to explore the New World!

Fifty thousand gold dragons, fifty thousand gold dragons in the cellar!

I held Dollinger to death.

Some of the people present were scared, while others were laughing.

How much dignity do you have, Li Site? The reason why Tianguo Port does not have its own country is because it is a distribution center and a fucking platform. Who is convinced by which one? It's all a stab in the back. You, Li Site, have such strong cohesion, why are you still a pirate? You live in the castle.

But it's just like what they thought.

Li Site really wanted to live in a castle. He could live in the biggest mansion and eat the biggest Whopper. In the rooms of this castle, it would be easy to live on a hundred floors.

At this time, a soldier at the city gate ran in in a panic and whispered a few words to Dollinger.


The true colors are revealed.

In just one moment, the extremely fierce gaze directly or indirectly killed tens of thousands of people, and the murderous intention was suddenly released in the darkness that spanned the East China Sea for more than ten years.

In the huge banquet hall, the light of the fluorite crystals on the countless chandeliers dimmed for a moment.

He recovered immediately.

But everyone present was shocked, Li Site also had a strong murderous intention, and Daolinger did not dare to kill him!

"Since Master Dao said it is a free market, I know a friend who also wants to come here and have a lot of money. Although I don't have an invitation, I hope Master Dao can help with it. Everyone is here, and they are all waiting for Master Dao to arrange it. , February 2nd is too long, today, you are the first brother, your words are effective, it is cold outside, they have caught the cold after waiting for a long time."

So far.

It has become an art.

The whole audience was shocked beyond measure. Can they really be invited?

Li Site has already put Daolinger on the fire to bake. Eating jelly is a beautiful thing. Today, one is one, and two is two. It depends on you, Daolinger, how many bowls of jelly you can afford.

You can get more than fifty thousand! Bi brothers have stolen more from Joshua, whose mother was entrusted with important tasks by the emperor!

Then I admit defeat.

If you can't get it out, if you say it out loud, it will be like throwing water away. If Brother Yi eats fans and refuses to pay, then what he says is like a diva!

Tai Ni was dazzled and held her hands tighter.

Li Site was speechless, old girl, now is not the time to hold a girl in your arms and kill her. Daolinger turned his face, and I might not be able to withstand it.

Dollinger has made big claims before, everyone has been cleared, and everyone has become a positive person, how can he be turned away?

"Let them come in. The wind and snow are heavy and they really can't bear the cold."

Dollinger's expression changed slightly, and there was a hint of solemnity in his kindness.

In more than ten years, I have never had such a murderous intention towards a person.

"Although they are all members of our own family, in case someone makes a drunken mistake and offends the guests, General Horace, I would like to trouble you."

He said calmly.

Li Site was extremely shocked. How can you still hold back and stay rational?

The 2.5-meter-tall and heavily armored Horace led his soldiers to protect all visitors, and he felt instantly safe.

In fact, even the people on Dollinger's side are a little scared. They are having too much fun tonight. Does Li Site know that he can tear apart giants with his hands and kill sea monsters hundreds of meters tall with his fists?

The reason why Fen is willing to follow Li Site is that he has seen the tricks deeply and knows that he is like a dragon swimming in the abyss, leaping straight into the world.

It's numb. Now, everything is numb. Telekili and others are also numb.


Hnid and 70 or 80 captains have arrived. Hnid greeted them without giving face, and Li Site promised a lot of money and joined forces with many powerful forces.

Among them were the captains who had once sided with Li Site in the frozen meat warehouse. Of course, more of them were miscellaneous groups, but miscellaneous groups also had fighting strength.

As long as they are outlaws who are not afraid of death, they have fighting power.

There was a cloud in Tianguo Harbor, and Brother Dao fell into the group of black fans.

The house is full of murderers, who is the beast and who is the silver.

Hnid is different from Dollinger. He once had a large fleet of sailing battleships, but he was also a commoner and a vegetarian, and he did not play the role of overlord.

Li Site never expected that Henid would have an unexpected surprise for his face.

"It's amazing. Now that he sees me, he doesn't even recognize me."

Hnid looked at the peak champion captain next to Dollinger with great interest, and also lamented the impermanence of the world.


The captain bowed with great reluctance and shouted reluctantly.

For a moment, the people on Dollinger's side looked a little ugly.

All the representatives are also paying attention. They cannot let go of the meat in Paradise Port, and they have to take it even if they take risks. Now I am afraid it is their turn to bet. Hnid... was imprisoned in the Northern Prison and escaped again. The legendary figure of the Narrow Sea, Isn’t he a person who is famous all over the world?

"You should be Daolinger. You are famous. Speaking of it, we are from the same period, but I got involved earlier than you. Brother Donghai, you have a monopoly on all the goods that can be used to rob people. You can directly take almost Isn’t it a little too much to leave halfway?”

Hnid has always been worried about this. It is said that the good is better than the bad. The reason why the pirate ecology in the East China Sea is so distorted and deformed, and so many insidious and cunning people have been born, is all because of Dollinger.

The location here is advantageous. It is a holy place for refuge. Pirates get involved in each other, intrigues and intrigues. It is really boring. When your family grows, how will you fight if the official comes? A piece of loose sand has no atmosphere.

Pirates in the old days were quite a bit like princes and generals, and they specialized in robbing the rich and giving to the poor, as long as they had enough money.

"The East China Sea is not as good as the Inland Sea. There is little food and few houses, and there is a small area of ​​land. Naturally, there are other ways to deal with it. I heard Captain Li Site say that you Hnid also want to do business. We are all brothers on the road. Naturally, I have to take care of you. Second, if all the captains inject capital now, my promise will be valid. Cross Alliance, my words will work, and my transformation into a legal businessman can be considered as my gratitude to all my colleagues."

He said so.

But how much money can these poor pirates spare? A miscellaneous group? With dozens of golden dragons standing in the sky, you are not qualified to participate in this game!

Immediately a verdict was made.

Dolinger asked them to take money, but Li Site not only refused to take it, but also gave him money. These captains are also monkey spirits, otherwise they would not be able to get this position.

At least for now, Li Site has much stronger financial resources and is willing to give up a lot.

Li Site started to act stupid and patted his head, as if he was crazy.

The ultimate move.

I have held it back, now I want to release it completely.

"It's like this, Mr. Dao, I recently established a company and plan to hire all the brothers on the island to help me explore the New World. I'm not here to inject capital, I'm just asking if there is anything we can do to help each other and divide the territory. To avoid misunderstandings, conflicts, and bad rapport."

Li Site said calmly.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Li Site is really obsessed with the line, he wants to do it! new! Port of Heaven!

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