Black sails

Chapter 262 CCLXI Happy New Year

Chapter 262 CCLXI. Happy New Year

Tyler was fucking scared. You can't become a fat man in one bite. You have to take your time.

But the more Taylor looked at Li Site, the more he liked and appreciated him. He was really a son-in-law riding a dragon.

But there is still one thing to note.

"No, we will inject capital. We have been friends for so many years, so Daolinger will not treat us badly."

Taylor acted as a peacemaker at this time. It didn't matter who was the first brother. Making money was the last word. Dollinger had already admitted the loss, so there was no need to escalate the situation. Just have meat to eat together.

But he didn’t mean to give money to Daolinger, he just asked Li Site to take his words back. Daolinger was bleeding profusely, and it was enough. For people like him, who are in the power center of Tianguo Port, he would take a big piece of meat out of it. .

But Taylor didn't know what happened to Li Site.

Dollinger must die! Otherwise Li Site would not be able to live!

Dollinger winked at his men. There were some words he couldn't say.

Now Li Site is really dancing in the minefield, shaking Dollinger's foundation.

"Dividing boundaries? I didn't hear you clearly."

Tie Hun is now the captain, and his tone is cold.

"Isn't it the new continent you discovered? I'm really grateful to everyone at Iron Soul for giving so many colleagues job opportunities in Tianguo Port. Even though the place is very large, we and you guys may still run into each other, so we need to make careful decisions. "

Li Site spoke calmly and calmly.

This is the core of the problem. It does not mean that if you, Dollinger, accept the Iron Soul, the island will be yours, but this statement seems to have been accepted by default.

Everyone thought it was Dollinger's bag, but that was not the case.

Captain Iron Soul wanted to continue saying something.

"I have already hired these pirate groups. I don't want them to pay. I will pay them, including labor expenses. But for work, the person with the highest price will get it. Dao Master, you can also open a position. It's just me The salary here is good, and each ship has a minimum of 20 gold dragons per month. They allocate it themselves. If the things are shipped back, I will buy them again. I have a friend in Dugeli who is in the mining business, and the roads are all over the sky. Draw the boundaries of the land, Let's fight against the pirates from other regions who covet the New World together. Only by keeping the money from outsiders, can the business be bigger."

Li Site mentioned the name of the upstart in Dugeli.

So far.

The negotiation with Dollinger has completely collapsed, but it is also completely successful.

If he were not completely hostile to Dollinger, he would most likely be eaten away by him slowly.

Now it's up to you to fight to the death. Otherwise, if you secretly recruit a group of pirates, suppress a group of pirates, and then stir up divisions, you will definitely lose.

But now that a full-scale war has begun, Dollinger will be afraid.

There are not only businessmen coming from outside, but also pirates and robbers from other places, or national navy pretending to be robbers. They can be pirates even if they put on masks. Those people come after smelling the smell.

Dollinger has fallen into a situation of internal and external troubles. He can indeed kill himself, and maybe everyone on the island, but he will also have to break his muscles and bones.

Everyone on Brother Yi's side is confused. Where did Li Site get so much money?

The confidence for a great catastrophe.

Putting Li Site in an invincible position.

Daolinger naturally has money, more than 50,000 gold dragons, but what Li Site has in his hand is cash. The working capital of 50,000 gold dragons can be withdrawn and used at any time. How can he just say that he has it?

Dollinger has a terrorist plan in his mind, but it needs to be implemented slowly. Tonight he admits defeat.

"Of course, the New World is not my family's business, and I didn't buy it. It belongs to everyone on the island. How do you want to divide it?"

Dollinger was now completely calm.

Taylor also knows that he has completely turned his back now, but he still needs to maintain stability, otherwise everyone will not be able to survive.

"I think we'll just follow the old rules, six or four points."

Taylor pointed out the traditional prices on the island, and he had already taken advantage of enough tonight. He didn't expect that Li Site's method of adding money could really invite so many people on the island.

"Hiss..." Li Site took a breath and said: "There are so many wolves, tigers and leopards outside, and the Taoist master is busy working on this matter, why is it only 40%? In my opinion, it's half and half."

In fact, it doesn't matter how they are divided, they are already mortal enemies.


Taylor also felt that the situation was a little out of control, and Li Site was really fucking crazy.

"Then it's half and half as you wish."

"As expected of the Taoist master, you are so generous. I see that there are so many company representatives, and there is no need to inject capital. The company can do whatever it wants, but it cannot send armed personnel."

Li Site's tone seemed to be that of the first brother of Tianguogang, and he began to give advice.

All the company representatives were confused. Don’t inject capital. Does what you Li Site say really work? Where do serious companies get armed personnel? Even if there are, they are only a limited number of security personnel.

Anyway, things have fallen apart.

The two families could not decide when to kill each other, and the atmosphere became increasingly tense.

Dollinger smiled playfully.

"How can this work? People have to save money to build a company here. Money is needed to recruit decorators and ships."

Taylor really thought Li Site was crazy, and he was probably eager to kill tonight.

"Hum, by then I will join forces with Mr. Dao, and all the companies will open in a grand manner. All the goods from the New World will be shipped back to the inland. The money will be just a hair."

Li Site picked up the wine glass from the tray of a completely stunned waiter.

Rao Shifen didn't expect this situation. She knew that tonight was going to be a big fight, but she didn't expect it to be so big. It's not like anyone is afraid of death. It's just that the gloomy and manic atmosphere in the venue is so damn scary. How can this be a hair? .

Dollinger had already admitted all the losses tonight, and he would just let it go if he failed. In fact, he was already thinking about when would be the most appropriate time to kill Li Site.

"It's better to listen to the captain."

Dollinger also raised his glass and invited representatives from major companies to share a glass of wine.

"Master Dao, you are so tall! I admire you!"

Li Site toasted remotely and drank a drink himself.

It was originally a cheerful atmosphere.

It was extremely heavy at this time.

Everyone on Daolinger's side looked at Li Site as if they were a dead body.

A fight is only a matter of time.

Qili and Wenkui have been completely suppressed by Li Site. Li Site has indeed achieved his goal and snatched meat from the New World. He has even become equal to Daolinger and is competing against each other.

It's really hard to describe.

These people who are visiting guests only know one thing.

New World……

There are too many crises.

Today is January 2nd.

The first step of Li Site's long-term strategy has been successful.

"I still have a lot of things to do here. Please take your time. My brothers and I will leave first. I would also like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and a prosperous business."

Naturally, Li Site didn't want to stay any longer. Dolinger wanted to kill him now and he was going crazy, so why didn't he? There were important things to be arranged and implemented when he went out later.

"You guys go and deliver."

Dollinger directed his group of young beauties.

Li Site's eyelids twitched, but he could still hold his nerve, okay, let's see how long you can keep it up.

"Master Dao, you're too polite. No, we'll just go on our own."

A group of people headed by Li Site left the banquet one after another, not forgetting to leave a few auspicious words and blessings.

As they leave.

Then came the dance floor session, but the representatives had long since lost their mood.

Dollinger's face turned completely cold.

"It's like this. I still have several small islands in the East China Sea. You can go and enjoy them in the near future. Naturally, I will treat you. Some of them are for business. I will pay for the expenses. This is an apology for the farce just now. You can also go to the castle tonight. Stay overnight.”

Daolinger was still calm and unhurried at this time, but he had already remembered Li Site. Even though he was an enemy, he had to admire him.

And at this moment.

The main building has an open-air viewing deck with a swimming pool.

A palace-level adventurer.

You can't be the same as the guy at the bottom of the guild.

Just like the milk tea with milk cap, the lower layer and the upper layer have different flavors at all.

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