Black sails

Chapter 265 CCLXIV The Road to the King

Chapter 265 CCLXIV. The Road to the King

Inside the Black Sail Hotel.

The atmosphere was extremely scary.

"Kill him. Brother Hai won't say anything. Killing one is a crime. Killing ten thousand means you are a hero. Killing nine million means you are a hero among heroes."

Ren scolded Favna, saying that she must first feel the feeling of killing. This little girl doesn't even dare to kill fish. How can she kill people in the future?

In addition, Brother Hai became angry. Just now he suddenly made a remark that made the cup explode, saying that he was considered immortal now.

"I'll be fine."

Heywood asked Favna to use the extra-large sword to chop and stab at will, no need to be polite.

Fafnir held a huge sword and couldn't move her hand.

"Uncle Heywood is so kind, I don't want to kill him." Favna cried sadly, and then began to repeat Oakes's words, "Killing is not a game!"

Oaks was silent, is this what I taught you?

Caruso was deeply shocked by the education method of Tianguo Port, but there was nothing they could do about it. They seemed not to regard Favna as a killing tool, but to raise little pirates.

Caruso has no intention of resting until Liszt comes back. Tonight is crucial.

If Li Site fails and returns, then Favna... will have to be taken away by the Holy Spirit Church.

You, Li Site, don’t have that strength.

"Uncle Heywood is very evil. Maybe the devil will come and the world will be fucking destroyed. All the women will be used as crossbows for them. Men may not be spared either."

Micah was ordered not to visit prostitutes tonight because Li Site had something big to talk about when he came back. Regardless of success or failure, a meeting had to be held and the entire team had to assemble.

Oaks frowned, these words were outrageous, and Heywood is 10,000 times more gentlemanly than you.

Tonight is even more lively than the group's New Year's Eve. Several adventurers brought back from Yalan and Li Site's wife are all here.

"What is a Star Crossbow?"

Favna asked in a daze, her attire completely incompatible with Leo Morey's strong man who stitched monsters together.


A knife was inserted into the table in front of Micah, which shocked Micah.

"Don't say such words in front of her again."

Gloria said coldly.

"I surrender."

Micah raised his hands.

Delea was also worried and came down from the room upstairs to see if Li Site had returned.

Saw her coming.

Ren Heywood instantly became honest and stopped trying to kill people. He sat at the bar, pretended to drink and chat, and talked awkwardly with Claude about the past.

Claude actually didn't have much interest. After careful consideration, he decided that the wedding on January 7th didn't need to be grand. If it was in Alanya, it would have to be grand, but on this shabby island, there was no need to pretend to anyone. Look, the current situation is special, and safety must be considered. In addition... through Li Site's various methods, it has become clear that his city is very deep. It would not be good if he used the wedding to make some articles.

But the female owner of the coffee shop objected. After all, it was a once-in-a-lifetime event. She was once the fiancée of a certain baron, and for complicated reasons, she longed for a beautiful wedding.

Renn forcefully told Claude about Oakes getting on the ship.

For example, Oakes and Morrison arrived relatively late. Oakes arrived more than two years ago, and Morrison arrived more than a year ago.

"Second officer...

He is a bitter and hateful person..."

Renne just started.

"No one is interested in listening."

Oaks told him to shut up. He was a person with a very clear plan. How much money would be earned at what time, and when and what stage of work would be done. The first stage was completed.

Now comes the second stage of the strategy of returning to the Sea of ​​Mirrors.

"I'm interested!"

Weber has entrusted the island's blacksmith to make him a suit of overweight armor that fits him well. He feels uncomfortable without bearing any weight during this period, and is a bit masochistic.

Gawain is worried about Lu's safety, and Swann says that Lu is an excellent teammate for the thieves. It should be fine if he takes her with him.

"Um... I haven't come back for so long. Was Li Site killed by Daolinger?"

Ren counted the time and realized that it had been a long time. He had already realized that you would play the role of a poor ghost wandering on the edge of life and death, dying on the streets and leaving your body exposed in the wilderness.

Oaks clenched his fists and was so distracted by the rabies that he couldn't say anything good about the New Year. He went to the window to see if there were any ravens flying in.

Still the old way.

If there is an emergency, Fen's raven will send a message back to the inn, and everyone in the inn will go to the rescue.

However, the raven didn't see it. Instead, he saw Li Si Te, who was completely white, waving a silver-plated cane and smoking the snow on the ground out of boredom.

Although Oaks had no expression on his face, he squeezed his palms with some uncontrollable joy. Although Li Site was abstract, seeing how relaxed he was, it was a success.

"Wollman, what are you talking about? We support each other to respect ourselves..."

Oaks asked.

"We support each other and respect each other, and the three pillars stand in a macroscopic way. At this point, we can strive for the position of the first brother."

Wollman and Favna were playing with their hands. Seeing that there were cracks on the bar glass, the dark elf waitress immediately called a halt.


Li Site came back, and Xia Di.

Both of them looked sad.

Everyone felt bad and sent it! Pack your fucking things and run away!

Ren felt that he had taken his share and ran away, immediately looking for a boat to go to sea.

"what happens?"

Gloria asked.

Delaya's face was speechless, how could she not see that Li Site was pretending.

Oakes wants to kill people, and these two really know how to mess up the job.

“The first mate and Brother Sha both died at the venue!”

Xia Di took a deep breath and said seriously.


Wollman couldn't believe it. Those two men would die in a big scene. How could they die in a corner of the East China Sea where bandits roam?


Fen and Morrison went upstairs and saw everyone's expressions of confusion.

"Hey, he's not dead, he's not dead yet."

Li Site pretended to be a brother, adjusted his cufflinks and collar, raised his chin slightly, lifted up one side of his tuxedo, sat on a high chair at the bar, and asked the waitress to serve him drinks.

"That means……"

Seeing Li Site's desperate expression, holding his head in his hands, Ren really said, "Awesome! Awesome!"

The boulder in everyone's heart fell.

Micah had already imagined that he would become the owner of all the brothels in the CBD of the inner city, and he would be able to eat and drink. Wouldn’t that mean he would go directly to heaven?

Mo Yutong was naturally present tonight. Li Site told her that if it was done tonight, it would be completely stable to set up the company directly. Seeing Li Site return, her tense spirit relaxed, with a fellow villager by her side. , there will be no such lonely and lonely mood as before.

Caruso pondered for a while. He followed him all the way from Wind Breeze Canyon to Tianguo Port. It was really eye-opening to see how Li Site got to where he is now.

He thought about his own business and went back to his room to rest. Everything went according to the original plan. Soon, the high-ranking person from the Holy Spirit Cult who came to identify Favna's true identity would come over. At that time, he would also talk about the fragments of the stone tablet. With only him One person may not be able to collect them all even if he comes for another hundred years.


Wollman spat out the letter, and wasn't he one step closer to taking back the Great Wetland?

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry. Let's wait for Swann for a while. When he comes back, he will talk about the establishment of the company. Let's put it this way, in this paradise port, I can speak now."

Previously, if these backbones were asked to invest all their money in shares, let alone 80%, they would definitely not be happy.

Because they don’t know whether they can do it or not.

The current saying is that more than just doing things, people on earth want to go to heaven, and when they become emperors, they want to become immortals.

Li Site's tactical retreat, what do you mean, the first brother of Tianguogang?

Thank you to the leader of "Si Qian".

I'm guilty. I don't know why I'm stuck at 7K and can't get on.

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